Friday, April 24, 2009

"Hite Hollow" Augusta Springs Fire...


I was headed out to the shooting range in Augusta Springs located in the area "Hite Hollow" at which time we came along units from the Dept of Forestry and local fire fighting units headed the same way...

Upon arrival to the "Rifle Range" we found the above units fighting a brush fire on the hill behind the range. Estimated the wind at 5 to 10 knts at times resulting in several flare-ups and increased activity. Rifle and Pistol ranges were closed due to the activity of fighting the fire but we were allowed to watch the fire fighting efforts...

After stopping in Craigsville to observe some of the local color there we noted the use of at least one helicoptor dropping water on the active "Hot-Spots"...

Bob McDonnell touts the "Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy" Independent report on Virginia's offshore energy resources...


"This report demonstrates that offshore exploration and development is clearly in the best interest of the Commonwealth of Virginia and our citizens. We can utilize our offshore oil and natural gas reserves in an environmentally safe manner, leading to thousands of new jobs, hundreds of millions in new revenue, and a further step towards energy independence and security. The public supports offshore development, it is time we began this effort"...
"I am equally committed to making Virginia a leader when it comes to research, development, and production of alternative sources of energy like solar, biomass, and wind"...

Link to Powerpoint presentation provided by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy...

Link to fact sheet...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

No Alternative Energy "Wind~Farm" here...


The U.S. Forest Service has denied a proposal to build a windfarm in the George Washington National Forest by a company based in Harper's Ferry WVA...
The Daily News Record has the story here...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Marine Mammal Stranding Center ~Easter Seals~

I was up in New Jersey for Easter weekend training with the Rescue Dive team and responded to another Seal rescue on the beach...
Photos and info available here at the Pt. Pleasant Rescue Dive website...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"This post has been removed by a blog administrator"....


Yankee Philip has always been good in the past to post on many interesting and current topics in the news with his blog and is usually open to comments and differing viewpoints. In fact he usually puts in a good amount of research into the topics that he posts about and incorporates numerous media formats including "You-Tube" and others...

There is no doubt that "Yankee Phil" has also lead the way in reporting by volume regarding the recent dismissal of committee members from the local Republican committee. These people who were dismissed from the committee had not attended at least three (3) of the last called committee meetings and were thus removed as per ACRC committee by-laws. These members were notified and advised of their removal by the Chairman Bill Shirley in proper form. Shirley is a well know local football coach and the best phrase I have heard is "If you are on the football TEAM and miss the last three (3) TEAM practices don't expect to be on the starting TEAM on Sunday"...

Several of those dismissed were also members of the "Executive" committee of the ACRC and took those positions understanding the importance of attending called meetings. Going into the recent mass meeting, where the ACRC elected Delegates to go to the upcoming Republican convention in May to elect candidates for the Republican ticket in November, many of these same ACRC members failed to attend called meetings preparing for the mass meeting. Even before these meetings there were several instances where some of these same members continued to disrupt and distract the proceeding's and efforts of the ACRC to move the local party forward...

Yankee Phil has obviously taken the lead in bringing this topic and debate to the blogworld with his numerous postings on this topic. This I believe is the choice of several hiding in the background of this incident. In fact it is interesting how the vice-chairwoman of communications, Lynn Mitchell (a.k.a. SwacGirl) has been silent on this issue while also being one of those dismissed because of not attending the last three (3) consecutive meetings. Yankee Phil with his numerous posts also routinely places high in the Blognetnews ratings something that he has replaced SwacGirl in doing so...

In the past Yankee Phil has been good at allowing comments to his posts that offer a different viewpoint or addition of other facts to the issue. In one of his original posts about this issue: ... he even allowed comments regarding this original post by Spank That Donkey and myself, RightsideVA, which provided more information, facts, and question of the motive of this post. One of the facts\question brought up by Spank was why Lynn Mitchell (SwacGirl) and 6th district representative to State Central Committee, would not come before numerous Republican committees in the 6th district to discuss the Jeff Frederick issue before she cast her vote for removal of the Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia. Refusing to appear before those which she claims to represent....

I then followed up with a posted comment that provided additional information in regard to the actions and antics of those dismissed in prior meetings. Specifically I posted first hand observations and facts regarding the actions and antics of the prior ACRC chairman, Kurt Michael and his obvious attempts to disrupt, detract, and prevent the present ACRC from moving the local Republican Party forward in its efforts to support and elect Conservative representatives to office. Over the course of several ACRC meetings Kurt Michael continued to disrupt and prevent the ACRC meetings from conducting business by claiming parlimentary procedures and continued outbursts. This resulting in Michael and some of his followers walking out of called meetings and carrying on loudly into the halls of the Government Center where the meetings were being held. This has resulted in the ACRC now being required to hire a off-duty officer whenever the ACRC holds a meeting at the government center. Interestingly we have NOT had a use for this off-duty officer at anytime since Dr. Michael has missed at least three (3) consecutive meetings and the meetings have all been productive for those attending....

After a short time my posted comments of this above incident(s) was removed from the comment section of Yankee Phil's post and now all that appears is "This post has been removed by a blog administrator"... It is probably unfortunate that Yankee Phil has chosen to "Air this Laundry" in the public view of the BlogWorld but if this is the venue of choice lets get all of the facts out there to be seen...