Friday, October 16, 2009

Americans for Prosperity "Healthcare Tour" stops in Waynesboro...

The Americans for Prosperity "Hands off my Healthcare Express" tour bus made a stop in Waynesboro today with Senator\Governor George Allen and State Senator Ken Cuccinelli who is the GOP Candidate for Virginia Attorney General...
This tour bus is traveling across Virginia to bring the message regarding the Health care bill that the Obama administration, with the help of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, are trying to push through Congress...
As described by AFP...
"Some in Washington think Americans’ passion at August town halls was a fluke, but you and I know better. As the details of legislation are released by Congress, the level of government intrusion attached to health care reform becomes a frightening reality."

"The promise that ‘if you like what you have, you can keep it’ rings hollow when people see the reality of what Congress is proposing"...

Senator Ken Cuccinelli with comments regarding the bus tour and the truth about the proposed Health care reform bill...

Americans for Prosperity Virginia State Director Ben Marchi speaks with George Allen, Senator Ken Cuccinelli, and Scott Sayre (Restore the Founders' Vision) looking on....
Ben Marchi responds to comments made by MSNBC Rachel Maddow to this as an "Astro-turf" effort and then goes on to discuss the ratings of her MSNBC show...
NewsVirginian coverage...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Staunton Virginia....

Staunton Republican Committee Chairwoman Anne Taetzsch~Fitzgerald helps place a sign with her Father near a high traffic area in Staunton...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Add One More Thing to the Signs...

Pretty much had most of the larger signs up and ready for the last 3-week stretch into election day and then the campaign man was nice enough to give me a box of "additions" to go with the Sportsman signs...
Bob McDonnell picked up the NRA endorsement and with that came the decal to make it obvious to which Candidate supports the 2nd amendment and will protect the citizens right to bear arms and self protection...

Monday, October 12, 2009

That which keeps you "young"...

13 mile bike ride in Rockbridge County on back country roads with hills I would not have been able to climb 6 months ago, 40 miles from home, 11:30pm and have to leave for work next morning by 5am, invited to go check out a cave across the river and up a 60 foot 45+ degree hill by two "20-something friends, walk back at least 90 feet into cave then climb up 10 feet to second level, back another 50-60 feet before the headroom gets below 2 feet high, back out and across the river back to the truck.
These are the things that keep you young...
. Thank you Walter, Suzanna, and Chris...


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bob Goodlatte's Republican Reunion & Family Picnic ~2009~...


Congressman Bob Goodlatte was in Augusta County hosting the 2009 Republican Reunion & Family Picnic with 300+ local Republicans along with guest speakers Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, and numerous Candidates for the 2009 Virginia election...

Delegate Ben Cline was there after first starting off in Buena Vista for that event and told me that he will attend 5 to 7 events within the 24th district he represents during this weekend...

Candidate for the 20th district Dickie Bell talks with Ben Cline before being introduced by Congressman Goodlatte and the opportunity to speak to a very supportive crowd...

Delegate Steve Landes took the opportunity to talk to many from the 25th district that he represents and in fact arrived after spending time going door to door within the Verona area meeting and talking with the people he represents in Richmond...

My friend Luis showing off a tee-shirt he is very proud of...

Lt. Governor Bill Bolling takes the opportunity to inspire the crowd and encourage them to get out and talk with friends and neighbors about the upcoming election in Virginia and the importance of electing a strong, conservative, team to Richmond...


Without a doubt Bill Bolling is one of the best speakers to inspire a crowd and talk issues regarding what is going on in both our State and federal governments...

Bob McDonnell was the final speaker and had the crowd on their feet several times during the event. Unlike his opponent McDonnell spoke about what he intends to do if elected the Governor of the state of Virginia and how he will accomplish these goals.


While following the campaign I have seen his opponent propose solutions to problems and issues without providing the important facts such as how and what the programs will involve, how it will be accomplished, or how will we pay for it. Unfortunately many in the media started off by not asking the harder questions of this opponent and many citizens have seen that for what it is worth and I believe this is why so many more people are becoming involved in the campaigns. This is why there is such a large difference in energy levels between the two campaigns and the Candidates...

Candidate Dickie Bell with his Wife Anne...

Craig Shrewsbury, Bob McDonnell, and Jean Shrewsbury Commissioner of the Revenue for Augusta County...

Lt. Governor Bill Bolling with Delegate Steve Landes....

Bill and Brian...

Impressive turnout and very energetic crowd...

Local Newspaper coverage...
