"No need, People want our signs"....

When I asked a volunteer supporting the Tony Wilt campaign for Delegate of the 26th District why I only saw numerous Kai Degner campaign signs in the medians of Rt. 33 and no Wilt signs he replied:

"No need to do anything like that, people want our signs for their yards and property, and in fact we had to order more yard signs!"...

Driving around Harrisonburg I saw numerous "Degner for Delegate" campaign signs in the center medians of Rt. 33 and many other public "Right-of-Ways" in the area...
Now this is nothing new and it has happened in the past but usual courtesy is for these campaign signs to "appear" in public areas 24 hours before the actual election day and removal within 24 hours after the election..
But more then 2 weeks before election day and in the center medians headed East towards the mountains and to great seasonal tourist coming into town?




Wednesday, June 02, 2010

"Nuge" gets it right...

Uncle Ted has a great piece in the Washington Times...

With the possible exception of the tobacco industry, no industry is held in more contempt and scorn than big oil. This is strangely foolish in that tobacco has been proved to cause cancer and has no beneficial use whatsoever, whereas oil literally fuels the American dream. Another clear example of the disconnect that brought us President Barack Hussein Obama.

When gas prices go up, Americans condemn big oil for making profits. When catastrophes happen, such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Americans demand that big oil be severely fined, demand more government oversight of the industry by a proven incompetent Fedzilla and demand that more safety features be implemented to prevent another oil spill while expecting gas prices to stay low.

BP and other energy companies are not evil enterprises that are out to rape the environment. They are in business to make a profit and provide us affordable energy while taking prudent measures to protect the environment. Consumer demand drives production, pure and simple. No one escapes guilt from this guaranteed cause and effect.

The facts about green energy are in, and they are uglier than an oil spill in your living room. All the wind, sun and hydro energy currently provide us with about 5 percent of our energy needs. That's all the energy they are going to provide for many years to come. At this point, green energy is a fool's game that will not provide us with meaningful energy that our energy-gluttonous, unsophisticated society requires.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

UVA says NO to Cuccinelli... But this is why we should be able to see the data...

UVA University of Virginia has now come back saying that they will not release the data compiled by Prof. Mann, while using taxpayer funded grant money, to come up with his famous "Hockey Stick" theory for Global Warming...
Seems that 810 of the other scientist, who I venture to guess live on a depend on taxpayer funded grants, have gotten together to urge UVA not to release the data to the Attorney General who is investigating if any fraud is involved...
ICECAP has some great info on why UVA and Mann should release the data for all to see and review to justify the claims of Global Warming as related to the data...
Mann is the former UVA professor, whose “hockey stick” temperature chart was used to promote claims that “sudden” and “unprecedented” manmade global warming “threatens” human civilization and Earth itself. The hockey stick was first broken by climatologists Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas, who demonstrated that a Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were clearly reflected in historic data across the globe, but redacted by Mann. Analysts Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick later showed that Mann’s computer program generated hockey-stick patterns regardless of what numbers were fed into it - even random telephone numbers; that explained why the global warming and cooling of the last millennium magically disappeared in Mann’s “temperature reconstruction.”

Simple... Show us the data if there is nothing to hide... The taxpayers paid for it...

This behavior certainly gives Cuccinelli “probable cause” for launching an investigation. As the AG notes, “The same legal standards for fraud apply to the academic setting that apply elsewhere. The same rule of law, the same objective fact-finding process, will take place.” Some witch hunt...

Grants are BIG BUSINESS and at many levels...

Work by Mann and other alarmist scientists is not merely some theoretical exercise that can be permitted to “play itself out” over many years, if and when the “academic arena” gets around to it. These assertions of climate crisis are being used right now by Congress, states, courts and the Environmental Protection Agency to justify draconian restrictions on energy use and greenhouse emissions. They would shackle our freedoms and civil rights and hammer our jobs, economy, health, welfare and living standards...
Obama now has his Attorney General Eric Holder in the Gulf claiming that they will sue and punish any company that they determine causing the Deepwater Horizon incident. Think maybe he will get the Department of Justice looking at Mann, UVA, and the "Gang"?...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

After "Top-Kill"...

The "Top-Kill" eefort has been called off due to poor results and they are moving onto the Low Marine Riser Package...
Energy Tomorrow blog has a good description of this procedure...