Thursday, June 17, 2010

President Obama's management skills...

Byron York recalls how Obama claims to be able to manage "Large Systems" and provide good support...

It’s not mentioned much now, but in the late summer of 2008, a major hurricane, Gustav, was in the Gulf of Mexico and headed toward New Orleans, threatening a replay of the disastrous Katrina experience. On September 1, 2008, Barack Obama, fresh from his Roman-colonnade speech on the final night of the Democratic convention in Denver, talked to CNN’s Anderson Cooper about Gustav and the Gulf. The question: As president, could he handle an emergency like that? Obama pointed to the size of his campaign and its multi-million dollar budget as evidence of his executive abilities. “Our ability to manage large systems and to execute, I think, has been made clear over the last couple of years,” Obama said. That executive ability, he added, indicates the degree to which we can provide the kinds of support and good service that the American people expect.”.
2 months before the President even took the time to meet with the CEO of BP...
Still we are not using the oil skimming ships and technology by the Dutch in days after the Deepwater Horizon incident...
The President sent Lawyers within days but yet ships, personnel, and technology options were ignored...
The list goes on...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Random thoughts on the Oil Spill...

The above photo: Too little and Two months late....
Look to the guy who works in the area and livelihood depends on what happens. Don't look to "Washington" for answers, they have proven time and time again they are too big, bloated, and inefficient to handle real problems... Check out this video by Jose Wejebe who actually went and talked to the real scientist at Mote Marine Lab:
Ted Nugent sums it up in one of his pieces:When gas prices go up, Americans condemn big oil for making profits. When catastrophes happen, such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Americans demand that big oil be severely fined, demand more government oversight of the industry by a proven incompetent Fedzilla and demand that more safety features be implemented to prevent another oil spill while expecting gas prices to stay low.
Manmade Global Warming is Bullshit. Weather patterns have always happened and will continue to happen. Virginia UVA needs to release the data that Prof Mann used to come up with his bogus "Hockey Stick" program claiming manmade global warming. It was funded by taxpayer research grants and the data needs to be released...
Last month there were Tar-balls found on the beaches in Key West and the cry of "BP MUST PAY!!!" by the Obama administration was echoed once again. Sorry but research found not the same oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident. Oh yeah, the tar-balls were found on the beach next to where they dock the great big cruise ships....
Obama waits 59 days to talk to the CEO of BP?... Yeah. He is on the ball....
The Feds were on the incident as soon as it happened. Where was the Fire boom to collect and burn the oil while it was in a small area near the incident site? They did NOT have it and they even had to wait on permits before they could use it..."When the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, the feds had not a single fire boom ready to deploy in accordance with the plan. Federal officials later had to scramble to purchase one from a manufacturer in Illinois. By then it was too late, as the oil had begun to spread out of control and emulsify from the water and the weather."
Obama's right hand man Rahm Emanuel has been quoted saying: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Obvious, is it not?...
Ronald Reagan once said it best: Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem...

Obama... TOP Gun Salesman of the Year...

The Daily News Record had a interesting editorial regarding the increase in gun sales since President Obama took office. In fact sales increased in the months after the November election and before he took office in January...
Fortunately this increase in gun sales has also proven what many have known all along and once again the data backs it up...
Increased gun ownership by law abiding citizens RESULTS IN A DECREASE OF CRIME...

Gun sales started rising in October 2008, Mr. Lott reports, but in November, 2008, sales shot up 450,000 above November 2007. By October, 2009, “about 2.5 million more Americans bought guns than during the previous year.

Concomitantly, Mr. Lott writes, the murder rate dropped 7.4 percent, the largest decrease since 1999. That year, Clinton factotum Elena Kagan was pushing tighter gun control following the Columbine school massacre. But “Americans were worried that more gun bans were coming,” Mr. Lott writes. “[G]un sales soared.”

Writing in Human Events, U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., reports that FBI data from 2007 showed lower rates of homicide (30 percent less), robbery (46 percent less) and aggravated assault (12 percent less) in states with liberal carry laws versus those without them. Overall, the violent crime rate in right-to-carry states is 22 percent lower.

After Florida enacted its concealed carry law in 1986, the violent crime rate dropped 32 percent and the murder rate dropped 58 percent. Another interesting datum: 40 percent of felons interviewed for one research project said that fear of an armed victim deterred their crimes.

Also take note that those cities with the most restrictive gun laws such as Washington DC, Detroit, New York, etc. also have the higher murder and violent crime rates.....