Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Cuccinelli needs to focus probe into Mann's scientific work that we paid for....

Albemarle County Circuit Court Judge Paul Peatross' recently determined that Attorney General Cuccinelli did not properly determine the scope of the inquiry into Professor Mann's work on Global Warming and the data to back up his "Hockey Stick" theory that proves Global Warming is "man-made" as many think it is...
The Roanoke Times:
"Peatross said the attorney general can issue such subpoenas to UVa and investigate state-funded grants to professors. But in this case, Peatross ruled, Cuccinelli failed to define the "nature of the conduct" that would justify an allegation of fraud and a demand for documents."
Professor Mann even came out and said that the "Hockey Stick" theory was "misplaced" and should not have become the icon it now is...
But the issue should be that ANY research performed using "Taxpayer Grant Money" is the taxpayers property and we should be allowed to review this data and ask the hard questions. We paid for it, we own it....
Many in the scientific community got upset and claimed that providing the data to AG Cuccinelli would suppress "Academic Freedom" as they see it and would have a chilling effect on future research...
As I have written before grant research money is a BIG BUSINESS for these guys and the universities they bring money to. Are they covering each others ass when it comes to peer review of each others work?...
And now it looks like many scientist are looking for changes to be made at the United Nations Climate Panel regarding its leadership and management structure... Will this be another "Chilling effect" on scientific research?....
Remember the UN Oil for Food program and the debacle that was?...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama to recover New Orleans....

"My administration is going to stand with you -- and fight alongside you -- until the job is done," he told a cheering crowd.

Great soundbite Mr. President, How about talking about the massive fraud and theft going on in New Orleans....

Hurricane Katrina/Rita Information