Thursday, December 15, 2005

America or Iraq?

Identify which country the election is being held in?

America or Iraq?

A higher percentage of registered voters are willing to stand in line with bombs and shootings going on…
Historically there is a lower voter turnout if the weather is cold or raining…

One of the main political parties is against efforts to require all voters identify themselves with an official photo identification before being allowed to vote…
Voters are required to dip a finger in purple ink that will prevent that same person from voting multiple times…

The American mainstream media states that the countries economy is failing, the election was rigged because their chosen one does not win, the war is not winnable, the war costs too much, and it’s all America’s fault…
The American mainstream media states that the countries economy is failing, the election was rigged because their chosen one does not win, the war is not winnable, the war costs too much, and it’s all America’s fault…

Even with the threat of terrorist attacks and possibly being killed while voting, this country has a higher percentage of registered voters voting…
Some in this country complain if there is a police car or Officers visible near the polling places thus “Disenfranchising” some voters…

This country ensures all that wish to vote have the opportunity to do so. They provided one day just for those in hospitals, soldiers, or those who are out of the country to vote…
This country has a party that is famous for going to the graveyards in Chicago when more votes are needed or leave the polls open past official times to just get a couple more...

The American mainstream media continues to call this election not valid when their guy does not win, and no mandate even with a 3.5 million vote difference,
The American mainstream media refuses to call this election a success if it benefit’s the guy that won the election by 3.5 million mentioned above in any way…


  1. "Historically there is a lower voter turnout if the weather is cold or raining…"

    Ain't it the truth!!! or they get tired of having their party call them 8 times in two days, because the party thinks they are too stupid to remember to vote....

  2. It amazes me how about half the registered voters turnout to vote but yet far more then 50% voice their opinions. Why not more then 50%? "Had better things to do". "They are all crooks anyway". "It won't change anything". etc
