Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Hillary and those eyes...

It seems many people tuned in to watch the Super Bowl especially to see the new commercials. I watched the President’s State of the Union speech last week and have to admit that I looked forward to see how the Democrats would react to the President’s speech.

In the past we have seen Democrat members of Congress push their way to center aisle so to get that photo-op of shaking hands with the President. The same President that they had been bashing at every opportunity all during the year prior to the speech. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) is always sure to be there in her bright red dress to get that photo op and then attack the President at the next possible opportunity. “Nothing personal, just politics. Smile for the camera please”.

It is also interesting to see what issues the Democrats refuse to applaud on while the Republican side of the aisle is roaring with applause. This has happened with most any of the administrations but the democrats now seem to bring it to a whole new level. The President described the importance of continuing a strong stance on terrorism and taking the fight to those who have attacked us and continue to plot to attack freedom no matter where it is. This brought a strong response from the Republicans but the democrats were almost silent. The next sentence the President spoke of the brave troops fighting the war on terrorism and the democrats could not get out of their chairs fast enough to be seen applauding.

It was also interesting to watchat times to see several democrats look towards each other to see who was going to clap or not and if enough fellow members got up they all got up. Not to applaud a statement but to appear unified.

Then there was Hillary with the eye’s rolling…

Peggy Noonan (Wall Street Journal) had a great quote in this weeks article. "It seemed a metaphor for the Democratic Party: We don't know where to stand or what to stand for, and in fact we're not good at standing for anything anyway, but at least we know we can't stand Republicans..."


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    They are "Haunting"....

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Where was Ted Kennedy?
    I always enjoy watching him during those things for he finally gets the workout of his life getting up and down to applaud. President looked good and his approval ratings are up since the speech but seems the media is not interested in reporting that.

  3. Hillary attempted to make a joke while at a meeting this week. She can't understand why we can't catch or kill the tallest man in Iraq?...

    Boy, World politics should be a breeze for her....
