Sunday, February 19, 2006

I fear, many have forgotten...

I fear many have forgotten what has happened...
I took a ride this weekend up to New Jersey to visit friends that I grew up with and had a nice ride getting back to the Jersey Shore and coast area. One of the most interesting things was how many American Flags are visible from the road when you get closer to the central\coastal Jersey area. You start seeing them here and there, but once you get up around Toms River and Point Pleasant Beach area it seems the flags on overpasses really pick up. I also noticed that along the roadway you will come along a construction area where the cranes and other construction equipment proudly display the flag... Along the NJ Parkway south of Toms Riverthere was a LARGE American flag that was flowing proudly for all to see suspeneded from the cable and about 100 feet up...
These flags were also new. Not their location but the flags themselves. I remember seeing some of the flag locations the numerous times I have been back to NJ since 9-11 and the flags are always new and standing straight. No fadded, torn, or damaged flags to be found and it is apparent that the locals are proud of these flags and what they stand for. Unfortunately in the area where I now live in Virginia and surrounding area it is possible to see flags that are faded and need to be repaired\replaced. I understand that the people flying these flags are proud to show their support but replacement of these faded, worn flags have gone to far.
Another thing I saw while in NJ was the numerous shirts, hats, and other items showing remembrance of 9-11 and the people lost. Again here you did not see worn, torn, or faded items. I saw new items and proudly worn. The 9-11 attacks truely touched many people in this area and everybody knows somebody directly tied to a loss during these attacks. On 9-11 I was working in New Jersey that day in the Atlantic Highlands area and we drove over to the Twin Lighthouses in Atlantic Highlands to look across from Sandy Hook towards Manhatten to see the smoke and destruction. Even from that far distance you could tell this was something that changed the world.


  1. A major disappointment has been how many seem to have forgotten the terror we all felt a short 4 1/2 years ago.

    That day members of Congress stood on the front steps of the Capitol, held hands, and sang "God Bless America." We didn't see Democrats; we didn't see Republicans. We saw Americans.

    I changed that day. Life became more urgent....

    My sister was working at the White House as part of President George W. Bush's communications team. My family was vacationing in Williamsburg and, as soon as we heard what had happened, I called my mom to find out if my sister was okay. Cells phones were jammed all over D.C. but hers was still routed through Austin, TX, so she was able to let us know she was scared but okay and trying to get home. A close friend, however, worked at the Pentagon and they could not get in touch with him on his cell phone. The day dragged on; traffic jams were all over D.C. Still no word from the friend. He finally showed up late that afternoon and explained that, when he fled the Pentagon, he had left his cell phone and car keys in his desk so he began walking home. He was safe.

    Flight 93 crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside, avoiding the terrorists' planned destiny with the White House or the Capitol and, if not for the courage of those brave Americans who overtook the hijackers, I could have been one of the many who grieved over losing a loved one ... I could have lost my sister. I have the upmost admiration and respect for those "Let's Roll!" passengers and their families.

    I'll say it again: My life changed that day. And I have NOT forgotten. There is always an American flag flying at my house, flag decals are on our vehicles, and we wear flag and yellow ribbon pins. We also organize rallies to show public support for the troops, and we support the families of our military who are in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    9-11-01. Wake up, America. We cannot afford to forget.

  2. Hoping to see some of these flags start popping up in the area soon. I don't believe many people intend to leave their flags out to fade just unfortunately "Many have forgotten"
