Thursday, March 09, 2006

"Bush lied?, Let's go to the Audio-Tape..."

Radio Talkshow host Larry Elder...

Radio Talkshow host Larry Elder has a great article in Worldnet Daily about how the evidence is starting to come out that Iraq did have WMD's and moved them to Syria. Seems there are 12 hours of audio tape that has Saddam and his boys talking about how they fooled the United Nations inspecters and other info on how the weapons have been moved to Syria...

The interesting thing is that there are thousands of hours on these tapes that still need to be translated and find out what else there is to be learned...

How is it that the mainstream media is still not talking about this?
Should not we be worried about where the WMD's were transported?
Maybe the Mainstream media is worried that these tapes prove there were WMD's and that President Bush did not lie to go to war...

That will be the real story...


  1. How is it indeed that the mainstream media is not talking about these tapes? It appears they would prefer to concentrate on an accidental hunting incident and other mundane incidences they perceive as damaging to the President ... and ignore true stories with details of information potentially damaging to the country.

    After reading the Larry Elder article, what Georges Sada, the No. 2 ranking officer with the Iraqi Air Force, is saying about WMDs now being stockpiled in Syria is alarming ... so where are the headlines? Where are the probing questions from the press delving into this issue?

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Maybe somwhere in those tapes will be evidence about which Politicians Saddam was paying off in the US or which News Organizations he was spoon feeding or paying off too.
    There must be something there they are afraid of because if they ain't talking about it it means they want it kept below the radar. Proving Bush was right is not enough to completely ignor this big a story, It must go deeper and they know where it leads.

  3. Remember a few months back when they finished the report on the Oil for Food debacle with the United Nations? I saw a preliminary report and there were many countries, companies, leaders, including Kofi Annan & his boy in the U.N. had their hands in the pot. Whatever happened to that report and why was not the Mainstream Media all over that?
