Saturday, April 01, 2006

Making some noise...

Augusta County VA.

Several members of the local Republican group SWAC (Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta-County) got together to take some additional photos to send to the troops serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. These photos will be included into "Care Packages" that will be assembled and sent to the troops in just a few weeks. This is part of the "From Our Hearts" program that was created and maintained by Benny & Dianne Rankin who are the owners of T-Bone Tooter's out of Churchville Va.

In the above photo's are Jan & Kelsie Harman, wife & daughter of Ssgt. Herb Harman who is presently serving in Baghdad and is a strong Republican from the Augusta County area. While taking these photo's the majority of the traffic passing under the overpass blew their horns and probably every tractor trailer did the same. The support for the troops is there, we need to make sure that we show it to the troops whenever possible....

Please visit the "From Our Hearts" blog for more info:


  1. What fun to gather with everyone Saturday on the windy overpass as we held multiple American flags that flapped and snapped in the breeze!

    The horns of trucks and cars blaring as they passed on the interstate below was heart-warming and made me wonder: Where are the media-types when these kinds of displays are seen and heard throughout America?

    Here we had Americans who were proud to show their support of our flag and our troops and, though the vehicles passing by on Saturday didn't know we were there for our soldiers, they DID see all the American flags and it stirred their patriotic pride!

    So the horns blared, the wind gusted, the cameras snapped ... and our troops in Iraq will see that we stand behind them in this time of war. May God bless our American heroes ... our troops!

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Just as Jesus stands next to us watch over and guide us , so do the true patriots in America. We may not be in the fore front (thanks to the media), yet we will never waver and will always be here offering our heart felt thanks and appreciation for all that these brave men and women do for us. God has a special place in his kingdom for all of these fine soldiers just as he does for those who soldier on the homefront! God Bless all of you for taking the time to do this for Herby.
