Saturday, May 20, 2006

'Nektonic" on the trail...

Appalachian Trail
Took a hike up on the Appalachian Trail this past week and saw some pretty interesting things. Above is a photo of a rock formation alongside the trail near the "Pinnacle" located in the Virginia section. Nice hike up to the Pinnacle and it has an outstanding view of the area...

Also ran into some of those "Flag Waving" Republicans who were also up on the trail and ran into them at this shelter. Actually they looked alot like "Evil Halliburton Scientist" looking for oil rich areas in the Appalachian area...


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Man I cannot believe it......

    Rightside how could you? I mean that rock.....It very clearly is leaning to the left! And you are letting into these hallowed pages of rightside conservatism!

    I feel betrayed.

  2. The question is how did iy get there? Must be a marker for the evil Haliburton guys and there must be oil there or something....

  3. Hey, all joking and attacks on the other side not included, How did that Rock get there???

  4. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Well, not having the demographic information for all past residents of that section of the mountain nor having an acheaological study of all relevant artifacts from the surrounding 20 mile area on a 6" grid for analysis, and granting that any obsevations made would be based on pure, complete and absolute speculation I would say that it got there from one of several various theories.

    10. Giant alien hunters from millinia ago put them there to block out glare from an achient Volcano?

    9. Melting glaciers carried substrate materials and deposited the rocks there after the last "ice age"

    8. Prehistoric worship site.

    7. At one time there was another rock on top inscribed: Virgins this way! (sign has since been moved to unknown location)

    6. Large rock eating alien monster took a dump

    5. Depending on site geology and topographic layout these could ave been placed by a previous land slide and errosion left them in their current state

    4. Evil Haliburton scientists had them placed and aged to cover hatch to underground research facility

    3. Indians got in a contest to see just who could make the biggest trail marker.

    2. They really are not rocks. People hiking the trail have for years been depositing chewed bubble gum here for years in a test program befor C'ville's art in place program.

    and finally
    number 1

    Ted Kenedy needed a really big landmark to help him find his still and stash!

  5. Bet Ted was glad when the military, or was it Al Gore(?), invented GPS.....

  6. Had to be Al Gore ... he invented everything else....

  7. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Hey if you see any formatons like this under the water let me know. Might be able to triangulate and locate the Mother "wheel" that Loui Fairy-Con was talking about.

  8. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Could have been a redneck Easter Island statue too...... you see any duck-tape and bud cans?
