Friday, June 09, 2006

"Don't need no stinkin papers to vote"....


Investor Business Daily had another great article on the comments by Liberal Democrat Francine Busby who told a group at a rally in San Diego “Yeah, you don’t need papers for voting, you don’t need to be a registered voter to help”.

She is now backtracking on her comments and is being allowed to do this by the mainstream media at the same time. Reports are that she meant that even if you are not registered you can still help with the campaign but many feel she meant what she said about not needing papers to vote…

This is nothing new with elections and efforts to correct this problem has met numerous hurdles by the Democrats. This is the party that is against having every voter present a valid photo identification before being allowed to vote. Photo Identification must be presented to do many common tasks done by everybody each day.

Back in 1995 President Clinton pushed thru a program that naturalized 1.2 million people without the usual scrutiny and background checks just in time for the 1996 elections.
Then there was the 1993 Motor voter law that allows anybody with a drivers license to register to vote. It is interesting that 14 states don’t require the person to prove citizenship to get a license and 17 states don’t require any identification to vote! Now get this. During the 2000 election Scripps Howard study found that 190 counties and the entire state of Maine had more voters than adults…..?

Is it only the Democrat party that benefits from these screwy laws? Probably not, but it is the Democrat party that fights tighter control on valid voter registration at every opportunity….


  1. It is good news indeed that Busby lost this race.

  2. I find it amazing that many Democrats continue to claim that the 2000, 2004, elections were "Stolen" but yet will not do anything about correcting the problem of fraud when voting. There has always been the joke about the dead voting in Chicago every election but there seems to always be a problem there. Remember during the 2000 election when Gore sent out the lawyers to keep the military vote from being counted in Florida? We have the technology and ability to ensure that each qualified citizen can vote and show proper identification. But yet there continues to be opposition to the simple requirement of showing a proper photo ID before being allowed to vote...

    Imagaine what the actual valid vote count would be if we had the proper controls in place.....

  3. Rightside, you said Democrats "will not do anything about correcting the problem of fraud when voting."

    What authority do the Democrats have to correct these problems that the Republican majority does not?

  4. Does the Count Every Vote Act proposed by Democrats not make it into your frame of reference?
    Seems like exactly the kind of legislative enthusiasm you are calling for...from Democrats. What have the Republicans proposed?

    Here is a summary of the reforms proposed in the Count Every Vote Act:

    More Accountable and Accessible Voting Systems

    More Opportunuties for Citizens to Register to Vote and Cast Their Ballots

    Discourage Partisan Manipulation and Deceptive Practices in Elections

    Expand the Right to Vote

    Ensure That All Votes Are Counted

  5. Zen,

    Why is there so much resistance to having all citizens having to prove their identity with a photo I.D.? They would even be provided to those who claim they can't afford it? Democrats seem to protest this issue the most by far...

    What about the comments "You don't have to have papers to vote"?

    "Ensure that all votes are counted" What about the military votes in Florida that Gore had his lawyers dispute in the 2000 election?

    There are many claims that voters were intimidated during the 2000 election for there were police cars at polling places. These claims never documented and what is the problem of having security at a polling place?

    How can Maine have more registered voters then adults?

    Good to see you back...

  6. I do not defend Busby's comments. But I do think that they are largely being taken out of context. There are a lot of things someone can do to contribute to a cause or campaign other than casting a vote. In fact, one really doen't need papers to vote. I've always had a pic ID and/or my voter reg with me, but never did I need it.

    I just wonder why you point blame at Dems and accuse them at having no attempt to mend things, and ignore when they do. But I guess that's your gig here, smear and pay no mind to facts. The turth has such a liberal bias. :)

  7. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Do you remember why those absentee ballots were being disputed?
    Military, or not, but especially military, they ought to be properly completed to be valid and counted, should they not?

  8. Anonymous7:06 PM


    Why should someone who has no right to vote be allowed to manipulate a campaign? Kinda like a foreign govm't helping out the canidate they want. Oh but wait...isn't that just what our friends to the south are doing?

    I go back to my previous coments on another post here. Lets have a national Identification system.....

    No card... no work, no medical care, no welfare, no voting, no driver's license, ect.

  9. I understand that theory, and can appreciate the potential benefits and securities...but I'd hate to think of the hassle and damage done by identity theft when one's entire existence hinges on this one piece of goverment issued identification..

  10. Anonymous8:48 AM

    We already have that problem now. Theft of social security numbers (which souldn't be used as they are being used) or the mixed various different systems that are used in every state. Basicaly locks are made for honest people. The criminal element is going to find some way to try to exploit any system there is. However I think that any thing that has national scope should require national uniformity. Voting is a national process and so are many of the aid programs either through compete funding, grants, or matching funds.

    With the tech that we now have a national card system would be more than just a number, it could be a micro chip with numbers and the ability to store a wealth of valuable information besides the proof that the issued holder is a legal citizen, or a documented worker, or a visiting student on visa that expires on XX/XX/XXXX. The benefits that this would hold with increased bite in immigration laws would be great! Not to mention the benefits to the voting system.

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Funny video there Zen........

    "what's the worst that can happen?"

    I guess the Indians found out. But looka at the bright side.....300 years from now every former american family group can open their own casino.....Can you put a peso in a slot machine?


  12. Can you imagine if a Republican made the comments that Busby made? The mainstream media would not let it go until that person was gone or removed by the party. Point blame at the Dem’s? Maybe attach blame where it is most deserved. Are they the only ones? Probably not but is it not interesting that the vast majority is associated with this one party?

    This topic came up as the result of a conversation with a co-worker who stated that Bush stole the 2000 election but did not know how or could back up her statement. The conversation went to the 2004 election where she “Knows” that he stole that election also and it had something to do with Ohio but not sure how. No facts, does not even know what type of fraud, just repeating and believing what the Dem’s and MSM tells her. Robert Kennedy Jr. is now out there pushing this claim for we are going into campaign mode once again. So am I. I will do my best to provide and present facts to people who make claims without knowing facts just like my co-worker does.

    “Smear”? No smear, just facts and presenting facts to counteract the claims being made out there on other blogs and on the street. The format of this blog will not change and is doing better then I ever expected. I get many comments and visits by people I never expected. There are numerous Liberal, not “Progressive” blogs out there if you prefer…

    “Photo Identification cards can be faked or ID stolen“…
    Yes they can but what is the problem with making sure that we make efforts to ensure that each person voting only votes once and proves exactly who they are? Does the Democrat party want each person to vote once and prove who they are to prevent fraud? Hard to say but I would love to see the “True” election results if there was no fraud as reported in the past… Don’t believe the Dem’s want a true count for it would be a blowout…

  13. Anonymous8:08 AM

    You right wing nuts are just afraid of lettting the people have a true democratic process. Anybody who is in this country is part on the people. Citizenship is not a privlege it is a right for anybody who can make it to our land. Furthermore, anyone who is here should be able to vote because they are then the people, and this political system is by the people for the people.
    At least that is how it should be and would be if the lawful winners of the 2000 and 2004 elections were in office.

  14. "Right wing nuts"?
    Should we allow anybody that can make it thru the hole in the fence to vote no matter how they got here? What about back in the 1990's when Castro emptied his prisons and sent them north to The Florida Keys to get rid of his criminals, allow them to vote? Many of the terrorist on 9\11 were registered to vote. Should they have been allowed to vote? What about a person who committs a felony? Should they be allowed to vote? We should make the process even harder by requiring a test before hand to prove the voter knows the basics of the country and are qualified to vote and not voting because somebody gave them $10 bucks or a pack of Ciggs.....

  15. I guess I must be a "right wing nut" (this from someone of the "Party of Tolerance") because I cannot agree with Anonymous' statement: Anybody who is in this country is part of the people. Citizenship is not a privlege it is a right for anybody who can make it to our land.

    That is a scary thought ... that you feel anybody in this country "is part of the people" without regard as to how they got here or who they are or what their intentions are once they are here.

    It is also a scary thought that you feel citizenship is a "right" and not a "privilege." That mind-set is what makes me work harder to educate voters about elections, candidates, and issues. If the public school systems would teach American history and government it would help give background to the past so people thinking like you would realize what a wonderful and exceptional privilege it is to be a citizen of the United States ... and you would realize it should not be a "right" to be held by just anyone who chooses to come across our borders.

    A little world history/government would be in order, too, for comparison to see how many other countries are as open as the U.S. about citizenship, rights, laws, etc. Try going to other nations and see how tolerant they are about just anybody showing up in their country expecting the "right" of being included in every way.

    And then check out the countries that have opened themselves without many limitations ... and see the problems they are now encountering.

  16. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Hey this might work.......let all the illegals vote. Infact lets have a "special" vote just for them. Only illegals could vote on this "special" election.....Of course the voting booths would have to be mounted to the side of cattle cars on train tracks that happen to run south.

    All the exit polls could be taken in Spanish or what ever language tey are using wherever the cars stop once they get over the border.

    Man, I am in an evil mood tonight!
