Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Marketing, Marketing, Marketing...

Learned back in college that marketing is a very important function of both society and the business world... If at times things do not seem to be going right or selling you may just need to "Market" it in a different way... Now lets say you have a wet piece of property you wanted to sell. It would be called a "Swamp"...
Now if a environmental group wanted to keep you from building on that same piece of land it would be classified as "Wetlands"...
For many years the working stiffs out there have been drinking Coffee everyday...
But to market this same drink to the student at a higher learning campus it should be called a "Latte"

Now starting out those "Dixie Chicks" sang Country songs and did pretty well with the "Common Folk" out there...
Then it seems they decided they needed to grow and evolve into more "Popular" songs and political issues. This resulted in numerous show dates in their present concert tour being dropped due to poor ticket sales across the "America Tour"...
And then there "was" the potential Dixie Chick "World Tour"...
And for the longest time we have had the party from the Right, "Conservatives", and the party from the Left, "Liberals"... Even the Left has marketed themselves, now they call themselves:



  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Democrats or progressives it does not matter.... they are still just spew the same organic fertilizer!

  2. I agree with the idea that a successful marketing strategy can supercede reality. Karl Rove is a master at this.

    Sort of like:
    Bush is a Texan.
    Bush is Conservative.
    "Clear Skies Initiative"
    "Compassionate Conservative"
    Iraq and AlQueda are linked.
    “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”

    And by the way coffee and latte are 2 different things. Nice try though.

  3. BINGO!!! on the Latte...
    Thought about that when I was doing it but figured us common folk just know it as that "fancy city coffee" stuff...

    But I di leave the Cynthia McKinney one alone...

    Antbody have any others?

  4. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I might have to go find a Starbucks and try one of dem Latte things. Think they would put one in my beat up Huntin' Coffee keeping hot all day thing?

  5. Ah - Zen is back. Things must be dead over at the News Leader blog site....

  6. Ah swac...greetings to you. Just trying to keep you folks here somewhat honest....a never-ending, thankless job.

    Actually I just checked out the NL's blog today for the first time as per Righty's mention....pretty tame.

    Personally I'm not a big coffee drinker, but I understand you can get a latte at any corner coffee shop.

    My wife did go out and by the new Dixie Chicks CD. I must say I do like a few tracks. Particularly good is the third track "I'm not ready to make nice" There's a great lyric about this being a "sad, sad story when a mother will teach her daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger..." Indeed, teaching children to hate is unconscionable. I'm sure we can all agree on that eh?

  7. It is unfortunate that the Dixie Chicks sisters got caught up in what the lead singer said for at the time they were quiet and did not comment on the "Middle Chick" statements. The girl that plays the fiddle, or violin, is very talented as well as the sister who plays the banjo, etc. I think they probably felt that they could not afford to replace Natalie at the time and had to go the direction they did to keep the group. Then of course there were the attacks on Toby Keith that did not help them to repair them with their base... Were the fans or people wrong to "Boycott" their product? Was it wrong for the country radio stations to not play their songs? Was it a violation of their 1st amendment rights for the stations to refuse to play the songs or people to "Boycott" their product? I say no. I stopped using their product also and did not search out stations that still played their songs. Did I violate their 1st amendment rights? I don't think so. I chose not to use their product or support them for I did not agree with her statements and that is exercising my 1st amendment rights but that seems to never be mentioned when this issue comes up in the media...

  8. Of course. You're making a bit of a strawman arguement, again. Of course it's not a violation of anyone's rights for a capitalistic society to vote with their dollars and not contribute to something they disagree with. I don't shop at Wal*Mart.
    Of course it doesn't violate someone's rights for stations to refuse to play their music. Your arguement presents obviously baseless questions, then you swoop in to to announce that they are not violations.
    How about some substance?

    I also find that the group is in firm agreement over the statements and there really is no anxiety over the statements of one. They have an amazing amount of solidarity for one another.

    Regarding Toby Kieth...he does alienate many listeners as well. Not every country fan supports violence and American arrogance in the world. Just as many christians actually follow the teachings of Christ that advise loving your enemy and turning the other cheek, rather than putting a boot in your ass. Does Toby Kieth also market himself as a christian?
    But that's definately TK expressing his opinion, just like the DC's did...it's a two way street.

  9. Zen trying to "keep us honest" - now that's a joke coming from Mr. Dishonest himself.

    Toby Keith - he's the man! Patriotic, supporting the troops by entertaining them since the 1990s, all-American male! And he's a Democrat - imagine that.

    As one who studied music in my younger years, I enjoy all kinds of music but I switched to mostly country after 9/11 because the majority of those entertainers love America, support President Bush, support our troops, and make me feel good about being an American.

    The Dixie Chicks? They have shot themselves in their collective feet by shooting off their mouths. Even in our personal lives I don't feel it's appropriate to air our dirty linen in public. I feel even stronger about that as an American. If there are criticisms of our President or policies, it's not something that should be shouted on foreign soil.

    I suppose the Chicks (I'll bet they wish they could get ride of that "Dixie" in their names!)wanted the press, good or bad (which turned out to be mostly bad), by dragging Toby Keith and Reba McEntire into their bruhaha. Why Reba? She had never said anything about them ... but she has now! She's strongly pro-President Bush and pro-America!

    I'm expressing my First Amendment rights by boycotting the Chicks. If a radio station/CMT plays their music, I register a complaint. I never bought their stuff, thank goodness. But you can find plenty of Toby Keith CDs on my shelf and even Reba.

    And also Darryl Worley - "Have Your Forgotten?" Every Bush-hating, blame-America-first liberal should hear that song at least once a day and then watch the video of the Twin Towers in flames and crumbling to the ground.

    Now ... off to do something productive for the day.

  10. good for you swac...but could you please enlighten me to when I've been dishonest?

  11. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I HATE THE DIXIE CHICKS! They killed me!
