Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Rightside" of the fence...


In a recent post it was stated that this blog was in the habit of “Smearing” the Democrats whenever possible and always looking to attack them at every opportunity. It is the intention of this blog to present facts and topics that are current and provide the facts that many Mainstream Media sources tend to leave out… Does this blog lean to the Right? Yup… But it also allows discussions and comments to be posted as long as they do not offend or attack another writer… If you are looking for that there are many on the other side of the fence that will be happy to see you…


  1. I've got no problem with having a point of view, but I think you do yourself and your readers a huge disservice when you claim to "present facts" when indeed they are proven not to be factual.
    Facts are verifiable, and yet whenever you've presented items—be it statistics or descriptions and records—that you call "facts" and I've proven them not to be true, you maintain that they are still "facts." This is intellectually dishonest. And as you state, if this is what you prefer to do, fine...but calling these proven false claims "facts" is actually known as spin.
    Just because "Mainstream Media" doesn't adhere to this spin doesn't mean that they are leaving out facts if indeed the "facts" are not so. This is called a strawman argument. You obviously do not care to hear, know, or be educated in truths or facts, rather you desire news that already agrees with your position, supports your opinions and leans the way you do. It has nothing to do with unbiased coverage or reporting. Iguess that's why you've created this little sanctuary here on the web where you can create your own "facts" and strawman arguments to prove you are right.
    It just appears to me that if your positions were so strong and pursuasive you would not have to rely on spin. It's sad really that you resort to such narrow atctics because you are obviously are a smart person.

    Good luck to you. I hope you one day realize that your arguments would only be strengthened tremendously by intellectual honesty.

  2. Zen, what an elitist, condescending post! And before you jump down my throat again ... save your breath. You need look no further than the last sentence of your comments: "I hope you one day realize that your arguments would only be strengthened tremendously by intellectual honesty."

    Where do you get off implying that the host of this blog is not intellectually honest? And how elitist-sounding and condescending is that?

    Yes, facts are facts ... and that's why it's nice to have Rightside and other conservative blogs to bring out facts that the mainstream media ignore. Even in the local newspapers they swing the story to push their own agenda, usually anti-conservative, with catch words that tell the story the way the editors want it to be told. Why can't media objectively tell both sides of an issue ... and let the viewers/readers make up their minds?

    I'm not quite sure why you like to mix it up here because there are cetainly plenty of liberal blogs that think like you do. The guys seem to enjoy the stimulation ... but I find it tiring to hear the same talking points heard daily in the MSM ... over and over and over.

    Check out the liberal blogs ... see any biased rants there? My feeling is they have a right to their own opinions without me harrassing them with my opinions. But, then, that's just me.

  3. SWAC you need only look back to the posts on this blog about the violent death rate in Iraq, or even Rightside's more recent accusation that Dems don't want election reform and have done nothing to fix it, to see that he is not being intellectually honest. Sorry that you take such offense to the truth.

    You can call me elitist and condescending all you want if that's what you have to do to ignore reality...but you'll still be denying real, verifiable facts simply because they are not in line with your opinions and judgements.
    Pointing to other people who spin news is hardly an excuse for doing it yourself.

  4. I always look forward to being called a lier when I log on to check the blog. The "Fact" is that I am posting topics that appear in the news and that I feel will make good conversation\debate. Regarding the violent death rate that you have dis-proven with your numbers that is in opposition to Rep. King's numbers and statements. I did not write that article or claim those numbers but I did enjoy the debate by both you and Bubba providing both sides. After reading both sides I am skepticle of King's claims but those claims are his. My question, which has never been dicussed or debated is how can the violent death rate in a "War Zone", using what ever rate you believe in, be so close and even lower then some cities in the United States?! How can Iraq which is in full blown civil war as claimed by many in congress, have a death rate close to that of New Orleans before Katrina?

    Working on something special regarding Voter Fraud and should be interesting.

  5. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Hi Guys, I know Rightside and dishonest he's not. I've always heard -their's your side my side and the Rightside. O.K.

  6. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Don't forget Inside, upside, downside and inside out.....sorry to tired from working long hours to pay taxes for the govm't to give away......No Bubbaism tonight.

    Cool picture RightSide......

    Zen, you are off base this time.

  7. There is such a thing as lieing by ommission in the MSM. A good example is the latest flap over a Marine singing "Hadji Girl", his spoof on insurgents and Team America (a stupid puppet movie). The MSM quoted one line, CAIR started screaming and people condemned the Marine without all the facts. Kind of like they do to Ann Coulter.

    You do a great job here and I hope you continue to fill in the gaps and correct the outright lies foisted on us by the Old Media and lefties in the New.
