Saturday, July 29, 2006

"Let me take this opportunity"...


Once again Democrat Minority leader Nancy Pelosi had to take the opportunity to go "Political" when officials, by law, required American evacuees from Lebanon to sign promissory notes to repay for the cost of their evacuation.

"A nation that can provide more than $300 billion for a war in Iraq can provide the money to get it's people out of Lebanon".

Somehow Pelosi forgets the 1956 law that authorizes the State Department to require this promissory to repay the "Taxpayers" that are footing the bill for the removal of people like this who travel into known areas of unrest. Pelosi also seems to forget that she voted for the renewel of this law back in 2003 when it came up along with 170 House Democrats... We are only talking $150-$300 to fly these people out of Lebanon to a safe island.The State Department has since waived the fees...

And yes you guessed it. The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee has filed a lawsuit against the United States on behalf of about 30 Americans claiming that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld failed to protect while in Lebanon...

Info for this post came from the Investor Business Daily...


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    You would think that she would look at her own record before making a statement like that. Maybe she should be on at TV latenight show instead of a position of power within our Govm't. She sounds more like Leno or Letterman that a sound legislator.

    I saw a story or two on that lawsuit and it was deeper than just 30 A,ericans. I think it also called for stopping all aid to Israel and some other things that would effect the international stage. Foreign powers using our own courts to try and dictate policy from within?

    If they want the American military to be able to protect every citizen in every corner of the world even after the State Dept has said for years that visiting this area is a real bad idea, then they (the lobbies, Groups, and people on the Hill) need to be prepared to spend a lot more than the 4% of GDP we are spending on the military. (and 4% might be high)

    Wonder is she wants us to pay the people on the ships we hired a higher minimum wage too?

  2. Bubba,
    I am sure that Pelosi knew and remembered what she had voted for but she also knew that the majority of the press would ignore it.

    Terrorist using our own lawyers to fight us in the courts? Any kind of a surprise?

    Too many people are looking to the Govt to take care of them and when a disaster comes along to bail them out. Look at Katrina and the likes. People were told to move in-land, many claimed they could not for they did not provide for themselves and demanded that the Govt. (Taxpayer) rescue them, give them debit cards, housing, and the likes because they are "Americans".

    The Democrats have always used this "Opportunity" and will exploit it as amuch as possible in the next election also...
