Friday, July 14, 2006

Security Issue?


While at a gathering in Germany the President was handed a famous baby by it's mother for a photo-op with the President...

The question is how did the Secret Service allow the Icon for the Democratic Party to get so close to the President???


  1. lol....good one...
    but I think rather that's how the MAJORITY of America feels with Bush holding our future in his hands.

    poor kid....poor us

  2. Too funny! Thanks for my laugh-out-loud of the day, Rightside!

  3. Is that the MAJORITY of Americans that CNN\TIME\Newsleader are polling? Talk to the people who understand that we have the strongest economy in 20 years even after a massive attack on the business section of NYC, two major hurricanes and the expense of rebuilding there, the war on terrorism that was needed after 8 years of Clinton military cuts, and incredible spending, by both administrations. Americans have it very good now if they only took advantage of the opportunities out there...

  4. Fox News??!!!

    I thought they were just a mega-phone for the President and the Vast Rightside Wing of the party? You mean they actually published something that made the President look bad? Boy that must be some of that journalistic integrity stuff that we here at Rightside ignore. That and facts we don't like to look at...

    Thanks for the link and look it is still up and not deleted by the evil blogmaster...

    I see that the poll says that most Americans favor the Democrats on issues such as high gas prices and the likes. Now do the Americans agree with the Democrats that the gas prices are too high or do they agree with the policies that the Democrats are presenting? Oh wait, the Democrats have NO plans or policies they just like to whine about issues and point out how bad things are.. (In their minds)

    Pelosi came out this week with her plan of raising taxes on the rich and cutting spending... I, as an American agree with her on cutting spending. What spending is she cutting? Easy to point out a problem, hard to come up with a solution...

  5. This is a funny blog...I realize now that this site is all about entertainment, and nothing to do with reality or information. It's a comical spin shop. Now I get it and can enjoy it for what it is.

    Funny, keep up the good work. You're always here for a good laugh or a tall glass of Kool-Aid. For discussions of substance and accuracy we'll have to look elsewhere.

    Don't get too dizzy. You can always choose to get off this carnival ride and join the reality based community if you find yourself disoriented. But you have to be willing to realize that the ride you're on is spinning, not the entire world revolving around you.

  6. Zen,

    Thanks for the advise but I am happy here...

    I understand Koffi has a blog you might enjoy...

  7. yep, happy and safe in your bubble!

    Make sure you censor anything that threatens to pop it, or expose it as illusion.

  8. Zen,

    You guys in the media love to claim censorship when it comes time for reality. I simply got tired of your tactics of degrading people and demanding your questions be answered the way you wanted them to be answered while at the same time disregarding the questions being asked of you. No hard feelings... If this is censorship so be it. I learned if from the local newspaper that refuses to print some letters to the editor for they ask hard questions and do not fall in line with that papers agenda or views. Was the paper censoring? Maybe but I think it is more of a business decision and choice and their readership\subscription will suffer or benefit. Kind of like here also...

  9. What "hard questions" do I avoid to address? I'll answer one-for-one with you anytime. But since this is your rightside, I guess it's much easier for you to avoid answering to the truth.

    I'm all about an open debate. But openness that you rail against not finding in the NL, and seem to want to promote here, cannot be nurtured in such a hostile (see any of swac's commentary) environment...or much less and environment in which you censor ideas and thoughts. Again, a tactic the right often resorts to, is pointing to the wrong-doing of others (the News Leader in your expressed opinion) to justify doing it yourself. What ever happened to leading by example? Or personal responsibility? Seems like people here prefer to create, big, bad boogiemen scapegoats to personify all the threats that you perceive that are keeping you down. Always the victim. A shame, and very reactionary. Where's the proactive stance.

    Come on man!!!

    Censoring ideas and comments that frankly are nothing as personal and directly attacking as others post here (swac) are ridiculous. It's all good to have a lean and a stance. Fair, but not balanced. But when you silence the "fairness" you only further isolate yourself. Why do you visit blogs that lean any way other than your own? Why do you think I come here? It's to share and learn and question my own beliefs.

    A glass that's already full cannot accept anything else.
    Think about it.


  10. Anonymous7:59 PM


    I check out YOUR blog every couple days and it is just stagnant. Not even a post since like 5-22 after you took your lead from Rightside's story.

    If your are a beacon for truth and reality then why is there nothing on your site?

  11. lol...yeah Bubba, I just haven't felt like digging up stuff to post. And I've found many other engaging blogs to interact with.
    But I wouldn't interpret that to mean that the truth is not valid, or worthy of achieving?

    Too bad Rightside deleted one of my comments here, I think you would have gotten a kick out of it. Maybe he'll e-mail to me and I'll post it there. Or perhaps I'll try to reconstruct it. Still a mystery as to why it didn't make it...I guess it's to do with the high standards of this site. (/sarcasm)

  12. And for the love of it all....
    I know some of you find it convenient for your creation of what makes me your perceived enemy, but will you guys please give up the idea that I work for the 'news' media. I am indeed in publishing, but there are about a million other topics in this world that get printed or distributed in various 'media'. And many more occupations than the explict editorial side.
    However, it has been quite amusing.

  13. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Amusing? here is some amusing stuff....

    anybody got some popcorn?

  14. Bubba,

    If you like please e-mail me and I will be glad to send you a copy of Zen's e-mail since you were mentioned in it...

  15. Can you e-mail to me?

  16. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Me? Mentioned? Did I have a cameo or was I a STAR?....

    ....Sorry no autographs today.....

  17. Anonymous10:47 PM

    All joking aside.....

    Thanks but if you saw fit to use the evil blogmaster trump and remove it then you had a good reason. And If Zen needs you to E-mail it back to him then it was most likely 'deletable' material, strenghening my first comment.

    I'll use my imagination. Most likely better that way anyhow.

  18. Anonymous7:01 PM

    A little off topic but.....

    I am at a total quandry..My head is spinning. I am awestruck! I found someone who has much the same opinion I do and they worked for (long pause)....Voice cracking...worked for.....CLINTON!

    Good article.

  19. Very good article and many are calling for Israel to go proactive and stay there. They have always had to respond for they are surrounded by those who want them dead. Notice they did not have to go to the U.N. for two months asking for something to happen?
