Sunday, July 23, 2006

Webb's Guantanamo comment...


Last night after attending the Allen \ Webb debate at The Homestead I posted some quick observations of the debate and decided to wait and see what the media reported. The majority of the Newspapers used the AP story that was released and the television news sources used pretty much the same footage of the event…

An interesting comment was made by Democrat Candidate Jim Webb during the debate that I see the media sources “elected’ not to use in their coverage. Once again Webb was working the thread about how the Bush administration continues the “Slash & Burn” policy. The question was to Senator Allen by a panelist about tribunals and the use of wiretaps in the fight on terrorism and it was time for Webb to respond to the Senators comments. Regarding Guantanamo, Webb stated that “The rest of the world is watching” and we should expect the same poor treatment if our soldiers are captured…

I attended this debate with friends from Augusta County and one of them is the Mother of a Marine who was killed in Iraq defending our country in the war on terrorism. I was not sitting with her during the debate but afterwards I walked over to her and the first thing she commented on was Webb’s Guantanamo comment. If two people, and I suspect many others in the room, can have the same thought it would be this on Webb’s comment.

“Expect” the same poor treatment? Does Democrat candidate James Webb remember what these terrorist did to two of our brave soldiers just a few weeks back? The way that they tortured these men and then decapitated them? Is Democrat candidate James Webb aware of what the terrorist have done to our captured troops in both Iraq & Afghanistan in the past? Does the Democrat Candidate remember how terrorist have dragged the bodies of our fallen soldiers in the streets?

Does Webb understand that the terrorist held in Guantanamo Bay were caught on the battlefield, not in uniform, and trying to kill our troops? Does Democrat candidate James Webb, and those supporting Webb, understand why we need a strong Senator like George Allen who supports the troops and our President in this vital war on terrorism? This is why this guy is way out of his league and repeating sound bites like “Slash & Burn” with no content just will not cut it…

I hope to see that somebody in the media “elects” to report Webb’s comment to the public and the voters get to see this side of the Democrat candidate…

If not this is the value of having a format like “Blogs” to get the information out to the people…

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Way to go exposing Webb's cluelessness, as a first-hand witness to the debate! A few more gaffes like that one, and he will be totally discredited. We should make it U.S. policy to insist that any of our soldiers taken prisoner should be treated according to the same high standards as we treat our prisoners.
