Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ssgt. Harman stops by the booth...

Augusta County Fair

Ssgt. Herb Harman of Churchville stopped by with his family to the Republican booth at the Augusta County Fair on Wednesday. He is back from serving in Baghdad for a two week break before returning to his unit the "Four-One Element" Squad of the 654th MP Co.
Ssgt. Harman is a member of the S.W.A.C. "Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta-County" Republicans and has sent numerous letters describing the important work that our troops and military are doing in Iraq. He has described the conditions and the work he has done with local Iraq citizens and how they very much appreciate our efforts and work there...

Delegate Chris Saxman talked with Ssgt. Harman who is one of his constituents for a good 20 minutes about the work that we are doing over in Iraq. Numerous other people stopped by the booth to meet and talk with Herb and to thank him for his service to our country.

"What a treat it was to walk into our booth and see Herb there! There were tears in many sets of eyes as people came by to wish Sgt Harman well and to thank him for his service to our nation. Herb spoke about his duty in Iraq and actually how well things are going over there in Baghdad. He said that the media is so incredibly slanted that is makes the soldiers serving over there sick to their stomachs. He said the people of Iraq are very appreciative of the US and often thank the soldiers for their freedom. Herb is learning Arabic and told me that the Iraqis are great people who love to talk religion. They respect each other for their deep religious faith."

"Some stories, I guess, just never make it to the airwaves over here."

Chris Saxman

Ssgt. Harman also stated how welcomed the packages from home are when they get their shipments from the "From Our Hearts" program.


  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    What a treat it was to walk into our booth and see Herb there! There were tears in many sets of eyes as people came by to wish Sgt Harman well and to thank him for his service to our nation.

    Herb spoke about his duty in Iraq and actually how well things are going over there in Baghdad. He said that the media is so incredibly slanted that is makes the soldiers serving over there sick to their stomachs. He said the people of Iraq are very appreciative of the US and often thank the soldiers for their freedom. Herb is learning Arabic and told me that the Iraqis are great people who love to talk religion. They respect each other for their deep religious faith.

    Some stories, I guess, just never make it to the airwaves over here.

  2. It is up to us to help get their stories out and what awesome stories they have to tell.

    Welcome home SSgt. Harman!

  3. What a wonderful sight to see Herb at the GOP booth Thursday!

    Herb is our "Man in the Sand" ... our militant, conservative Republican ... our American hero! Many hugs and tears were evident as he visited with everyone including neighbors from the community as well as the local Republicans working the GOP booth.

    Herb rejoined the military after 9/11 when he saw our country under attack. He was deployed for a year at Guantanamo Bay and is now in the middle of a tour of duty to Iraq.

    Through Herb we have been able to hear the positive achievements in this war, the side of the story that is not covered in the drive-by media.

    Thank you, Herb, for your service. Thank you, Jan and Kelsie, for your sacrifice while Herb is away. We love you all and will continue to stand with you in gratitude and admiration ... Freedom isn't free.

  4. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Men like Sgt Harman make be proud to support Jim Webb for US Senate. Webb understands service to our nation. Webb understands that our nation took our eye off of the true threat of terrorism when we became an occupying force in Iraq. The recent terror plot against free people have made it crystal clear that we should have dealt with that first. The president's and Senator's Allen's "stay the course" just doesn't cut it anymore. That is why I'm supporting Jim Webb.

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Anonymous postings are like the democrats' plan for the middle east and terror - head in the sand. Instead of listening to the MoveOnDotDemocrats, how about listening to Sgt. Harman who just returned from Iraq? That might prove once and for all, just how open minded you liberals really are.

  6. The just-uncovered terrorist plot in Britain to blow up dozens of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean with liquid explosives proves that President Bush's War on Terrorism is working ... and we are thankful for support of the President's stand by Senator George Allen and Congressman Bob Goodlatte.

    Anonymous is just spewing the Dem talking points about "R2-D2" ... a candidate who has been a Republican, Democrat, Republican, Democrat ... when you can't decide which side of the road to be on you often end up as road-kill in the middle.

    I know where President Bush, Senator Allen, Congressman Goodlatte, and Delegate Saxman stand on the War on Terrorism. With their strong convictions they are helping keep my family safe from homicide terrorist bombers right here in our country.

    Anonymous, check out and watch the 16-minute video interview with three former terrorists who tell how plans have been in the making for 25 years with terrorist cells right here in our own country. Chilling.

    SSgt. Harman is one of our American heroes along with all our military men and women. And I also include our elected officials who are standing up to terrorism as heroes, too.

  7. Correction:

    Herb was at the GOP Booth WEDNESDAY (not Thursday as I stated in my earlier comment).

    It's Fair week -- and my splintered multi-tasking brain is trying to keep up!

  8. Anonymous,

    Please see the most recent post regarding the actions of the Representative of the Augusta County Democrat Party. The Rep from your party also claimed that we were "Swift-boating" Webb the same way he feels it was done to John Kerry. I then asked the Democrat as to why Kerry still to this day has not released his medical records regarding his Purple Heart wounds? No answer from the Democrat and Saxman is right you guys have nothing...
    Your tactics will once again not work. The American people are watching and know better then to buy your cheapshots and claims...

  9. Anonymous3:37 PM

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