Friday, August 04, 2006

"When Johnny Doesn't Come Marching Home"...

The story of when the War on Terrorism in Iraq hits close to home and what the impact is like to all involved. Unlike another Mother who has lost a Son in this war and has turned that lost into a political play, Rhonda Winfield describes what her Son believed and stood for. A tribute to Jason and all of those brave soldiers who are willing to make the ultimate sacrafice for their country and it's people...

“Marine Lance Corporal Jason Redifer was a young man who made the ultimate sacrifice on January 31, 2005 to secure freedom for others a half a world away. In her book, When Johnny Doesn’t Come Marching Home: A Mother’s Story of the Price for Freedom, Rhonda Winfield takes her readers on a journey that memorializes the life of a young man who was reared in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, raised to fight for the freedoms and values that all too many take for granted, and died ensuring those same freedoms survived. I am thankful to Jason for the life he lived and gave and I am indebted to Rhonda for this noble story which shares her loss with her readers. With this moving story, Rhonda and Jason teach us all that the impact of one’s life often doesn’t end with death.”- U.S. Senator George AllenFormer Governor of Virginia

"This book deals with the loss of one of our own and infuses our institution with a sense of humanity that is rooted in our history and nobility. It displays the naked truth of a family brought to its' knees by the sacrifice of a young Marine. The book is written with a tender honesty that rips straight to the core of anyone who has a friend or family member serving in the military. After reading this book, I am reminded of three things. First, families are forever changed after the loss of a loved one, Second, the Marine Corps takes care of their own, and Third, America will never lose her freedoms as long as men and women like Jason C. Redifer rise to defend her. Whoever reads this book will come away with a higher respect and understanding of what it means to be a United States Marine."- 2nd Lt Craig W. Thomas, USMCPublic Affairs, Headquarters and Support BattalionMarine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

More information and link to purchase this book at:


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Gut-wrenching book that should be read by every anti-war liberal in the country. This is an all-American family that pays the ultimate price for our freedom ... including the freedom of those anti-war libs who stand on the street corners with their stupid signs and say their piece. How sad that they don't completely understand the precious liberties and freedoms we enjoy ... yeah, yeah, I know ... they support the troops. No, they don't. Not when they don't support the mission. In this book Jason's mother makes it clear that she supports the mission ... or her son will have died in vain. I cried a thousand tears over the pages of "When Johnny Doesn't Come Marching Home."

  2. Rhonda Winfield must be one heck of a fine lady. God bless her and her family for raising such a fine son.

  3. She and her husband Scott are impressive and it is an honor to talk with them. The book brings it home and shows the importance of the war on terrorism and also shows the dedication of our troops, their families, the military stucture, and the strength of the (Majority) of Americans who understand the importance of this issue...
