Friday, September 29, 2006

"Ye without sin" Go ahead and throw that first stone...

30 September 2006

For numerous weeks the Webb campaign has been focusing on racial attacks on Senator Allen and avoiding true debate on issues important to the citizens of Virginia.

Webb’s campaign and blogger’s, with the help of the MainScream media, have been dredging up claims from 30 years ago and found a man who claims Allen used the “N”-word back then… Has anybody asked Jim Webb if he has ever used the “N”-word? Yes, and Webb will not “confirm or deny” if he has used that word. Take that for what it is worth…

The Webb people have even brought up a photo of the Senator with a Confederate flag in the background and claim this makes the Senator a racist. Please talk to a southern person sometime and ask them if this makes them a racist…

It has become a standard part of the “Democratic Party” playbook to pull accusations like these out in the final days of many recent elections. Remember back before the Bush\Gore Presidential election of 2000 and then again during the Bush\Kerry election of 2004 and the “Race Card” being used both times by the Democratic Party?

But let’s look at “racial” comments made by members of the “Democratic Party” and how many of these comments have been ignored by the MainScream press and pundits…

Remember when: Donna Brazile was the campaign manager for the Al Gore campaign and said “We are not gonna let the White-Boys win this one”…

Remember when: Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans claimed that “New Orleans will be a Chocolate Town” back after the Katrina hurricane…

Remember when: Democrat Senator Robert Byrd used to be the recruiter for the local Klu Klux Klan and also when he spoke variations of the “N”-word on the floor of the Senate…

Remember when: Jessie Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymie from hymie town”…

Remember when: Democrat Senator Hillary Clinton referred to a campaign worker as a “F---ing Jew Bastard”

Remember When: Many of the State flags of the United States incorporated the Confederate flag in their design…

Remember when: Back during the Bush elections the commercials that ran like the one that said “If you vote for Bush more Black Churches will burn”. Don’t forget the commercial with the daughter of a black man that was dragged behind a vehicle saying that Bush would not support hate crimes. The people who committed this crime were convicted of murder. The “Ultimate” hate crime…

Remember when: The Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said “The only way Republicans can get people of color in the room is by bringing in the wait staff”…

If Senator Allen has used the “N”-word in the past that is wrong but I am sure he is probably not the only one out there who has used it and hiding behind a “Will not confirm or deny” excuse is just lame.

For those who have never sinned, go ahead and throw the first stone…

Now Let's get onto some real issues about Virginia...

1 comment:

  1. Wooo-hooo, hallelujah, I agree! Let's get to the issues in this campaign and quit with the mud-slinging.

    What a great story - remembrances of past dem indiscretions. Thanks for the reminder, Rightside!
