Saturday, October 28, 2006

"Dem, Democrat, Democratic, (D)," ..... Which one?


Several times in the past it has been questioned which term should be used when describing a member of the Democratic Party. Now I am sure there is a host of names, descriptions, phrases, nick-names, designations, aka’s, epithets, titles, etc. that we have for Democratic Party members such as Hillary, Dean, Webb, and Reid but that is another post in the works.

When referring to a member of this party what is the best term to use?

Let’s say you are writing about candidate Jim Webb…
(Careful with your description for there may be children that see your choices, not that Jim Webb would care what they saw…)

Would it be Democrat Candidate Jim Webb?
Or Democratic Candidate Jim Webb?
Or Dem Candidate Jim Webb?
Or Candidate Jim Webb (D)?
(Senator Jim Webb is not an option…)

Today the Staunton NewsLeader printed my letter to the Editor and took care of this pressing question in choice of title to use. Above is the copy that the NewsLeader decided to print.

Below is the actual text that I submitted for print.

"The Delegates stood up to Governor Kaine who wants to once again raise our taxes after promising not to during his campaign and claims that there is a transportation "crisis". Democratic Governor Kaine wants to raise taxes again even when we have a billion dollar plus surplus that he wants to save for a "Rainy Day" fund which sounds like another diversion of our tax money.Times are tough. But we are fortunate to have leaders who stand up and make tough decisions for what is right for us and our future…"

Notice what the Staunton Newsleader decided to print, or failed to print, when I named Governor Tim Kaine as the man who wants to once again raise the taxes on Virginia taxpayers when we already have a billion dollar surplus?

Seems the Staunton NewsLeader decided it was best NOT to identify Governor Tim Kaine as the Democrat that he is and member of the party who continues to strive for higher taxes…


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM


    Wouldn't it have been more ethical to correct the error by editing the word to the proper format and preserving the message than correcting it by deletion?

    If all the letters submitted were audited versus what was printed I wonder if similar deletions would be found? Either way it is still a deletion to the submitted text. The NL already titles submissions to their own intentions, now they censor the text as well. Prehaps the letters section should be renamed "ideas"......

  2. Bubba ... ditto! You said it perfectly.

  3. Waldo,

    The point is why did the NewsLeader edit out the identification of the Virginia Governor being a member of the DEMOCRATIC party?

    Why would the NewsLeader want to hide that the "DEMOCRATIC" Governor is looking to raise taxes on the Virginia taxpayers like the "DEMOCRATIC" Governor Mark Warner did prior?

    By the way. This is not the first time the NewsLeader has done this...

  4. Anonymous12:24 AM

    I can attest to multiple misleading editorial alterations by the News Leader in letters I've written, including the one on immigration last April. It's almost not worth bothering to write, because your words will end up twisted and/or out of context. Del. Steve Landes has had the same problem with them.

  5. Andrew,

    Has anybody noticed that the NewsLeader has actually become arrogant in their comments on the blogs and even the way they treat people now?

    Wrote to the editor as to why the identification of the "Democrat" Governor Kaine, who wants to raise our taxes, was removed. I was told the "Copy editor" had problems with ot and they are "Stickler for style"...

    So instead they removed it all together?

    Yet they will claim to be in the middle, supporting neither party, and not bias in anyway.

  6. Rightside>>> Here's one for your "MEDIA BIAS" file. I expect to see a full report on how slanted this type of coverage and reporting is. I don't.

  7. Oh's the link
