Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Just like Clock-Work...


Did you ever notice that around 4 to 5 weeks before an election the Democrats MainScream media comes out with something they have been saving just for the "right moment" to bring it out. This week it was the Foley e-mails that exposed this congressman for his sorry actions and I agree he should have resigned his office for his actions. Now of course there is the history of Democratic Gerry Studd and what he did to an underage Page and how he turned his back to the congress when he was censured but that is another post...

But yet it is the timing that comes to light and should be noted. Remember back during the 2000 election when the info about a DUI conviction for George W. Bush all of a sudden came to light... Don't forget just before the 2004 election when John Kerry made his WMD claims...

Pretty much happens every election just like Clock-Work....

And here is another one. Just before every election they will start playing the movie "The American President" with Mike Douglas as a President who turns out to be such a loving caring man who in the end changes his mind and policy to save the world from Global Warming!!!

Don't laugh. It was on last night and I saw it scheduled the other week...


  1. Your embarrassing yourself here...

    How ironic you criticize the timing of events involving Foley. It only took a matter of hours for the a number of the seedy communications to surface once the story broke. Hastert was notified over a year ago and did nothing. If only he had been as aggressive as Brian Ross perhaps Foley would have been stopped earlier.

  2. "sense of shame"?! Are you kidding? It's time to shift the blame. It must be the Dems fault somehow, and the media. Of course it proves that gays are dangerous and it's their fault too. In no way is the Republican leadership responsible for anything.

  3. And yet Foley resigned his position. I am sure you two have heard about the congressman from Mass back in the 80's that actually had sex with an underage page, several times even after the page said he did not want it, and was censured by Congress. At that time he turned his back during the censure and said it was not anybody's business but his own. What about the underage boy. And better yet the people of Mass re-elected this guy several more times. Gerry Studds from Mass... Would not resign. His party did not ask him to resign. They actually praised this guy...
    Where is the defense of this guy? Do you supprort Studds in what he did? Do you agree with his party who did not call for him to resign?
    Should he have resigned? Should the leadership of his party been held responsible for Stuud's actions like you call for Foley's leadership be responsible for his actions?

    “I hate to give up sources, but to the extent that I know the political parties of any of the people who helped us, it would be the same party,” Mr. Ross said, referring to Republicans."

    Why did he hold onto this story for so long? If there was concern for the pages why did he not release this story months ago?
    Ross is a hack just like Rather was....

  4. Pointing to the wrong-doings of others is no excuse. Period. Again you are shifting the blame and attention. Don't blame you, you really have nothing to stand on.

    I was wrong before, Hatsart was notified TWO years ago. Why did he sit on it for so long? I mean Foley was the head of the committee to protect childeren. My God man, how dare you try to put this on the Dems or the media!

    Take some damn responsibility.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. And I will be the first to say that Foley should be gone. Your buddies the Dems are now working to identify all Gay Republicans in Congress to push that issue also. If anybody, straight, Gay, whatever does something like Foley they should be gone! No shifting blame there and be careful when you claim my intentions for I have not claimed your intentions in the past have I?

    Find me another Republican that has done what Foley has done and they should be gone. Petiod. Like the debate on minimum wage you guys claim that I will not stick to the issue and blame everything on the democrats to deflect attention to the Republicans. I defend when I see fit and I spend alot of my time getting the other half of the story out there that the NewsLeader, for example, ignores!

    Allen possibly saying the N"-word 30 years ago. The NewsLeader has been on that for everyday but have you seen them debate Webb and the story of him riding around dry-shooting at blacks? Have you seen a McCloskey cartoon on that subject?

    Find me another Republican who did like Foley and I will call on Rightside for that person to be gone...

    Now what about you and what you think about the Gerry Studd incident?

    And I take reponsibility more then you will ever know.

    P.S. Dennis, I see the Newsleader IPS checking in daily, how bout that cartoon on Webb?

  7. Do you accept what Studd did as acceptable?

    Do you think it was appropriate for Congress to censure him?
