Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"Let's try to keep up here Dave"...

Manassas VA.

Had the opportunity today to go up to Manassas Airport to hear Senator George Allen as well as Senator John Warner and VA Attorney General Bob McDonnell speak. I also noticed NBC Reporter David Gregory circling the area and waiting for Senator Allen to complete his speech so he could interview the Senator. Senator Allen was at the airport to receive the endorsements of several VFW organizations and to talk about issues important to the citizens of Virginia before the election in 3 weeks.

Senator Allen spoke about the importance of the war on terrorism and the important front we have on this war in Iraq as well as preparing the Iraqi people to take control of their country and new democracy. He spoke of the importance of this war and that the threats are real and we will not get a second chance and if the terrorist in Iraq are given an opening they will hit again. “Jim Webb will give them that opening”.

Senator Allen continued and spoke about many important issues and then concluded his speech and thanked those gathered there. I then noticed David Gregory move over to interview the Senator and was able to find a spot to get a photo and hear the exchange. Senator Allen started the interview stating the important issues concerning the citizens of Virginia as well as the United States.

I could see that Gregory was not interested at all with the facts and the issues and as soon as he could he brought up the “Maccaca” issue and how it will effect the election. Senator Allen was polite but also quick to return the conversation to the issues and the facts. Gregory once again did not seem interested and followed up with the question of how the Senator feels the voters will feel about him since he supported President Bush so often. Senator Allen stated that he felt confident that the voters will support him favorably and only wished the President “agreed with him more often”. Classic line and reply and Gregory lost interest in the interview right away. Doubt much of the interview will actually make it to broadcast for Gregory did not get the “gem” he was looking for.

It is unfortunate that Gregory, as well as the MainScream media and many LOCAL newspapers do not see that Senator Allen is talking the important issues and what he will do when he is re-elected by the people of Virginia. They seem to ignore that Jim Webb continues to avoid the true issues and has the support of the MainScream\Local media in doing this. Thanks for reading the blogs and talking with the people who attend functions and get the truth out…

Was not sure what show Gregory was with now so did a search on Google. Found many things that he has done over the years and there are too many to list here now but did see this listing which brought back memories of his actions…

"NBC White House correspondent David Gregory, who apologized last week for calling White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan a "jerk," called into MSNBC's IMUS Thursday morning — apparently drunk!"


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Glad to see Sen. Allen is sticking to the issues. The mainstream media does not want issues. If the election was up to them, Webb would be elected tomorrow. -- Gop in StaffordVA

  2. The MSM and News Misleader have chosen Jim Webb as their man and they are doing everything in their power to get him elected. Our battle is not against Webb ... who is not a viable candidate anyway. Our battle is against the missing-in-action media who continue to bury their heads about the real Webb. This is why bloggers are so important ... we need to get the correct information out that the press will not print/report.

  3. This is nothing new. The media has had much control in the past and with advancments in technology and communications they have lost some of their control...

  4. So this is the media's fault huh? I guess it was the media that put words into Allen's mouth in Breaks, Va huh?

    Also I'm curious, if the media is so liberal and biased, then how do any Republicans ever get elected? Also just how liberal can media be when it is owned by conservatives? With vested interest in status quo?
    Aye, but I guess you all don't need to base these accusations on anything valid or real, it suits you agenda much better to create a scapegoat.

  5. Being that the Staunton News Leader endorsed George Bush for re-election, how does that square with you accusations of their bias?

  6. "If the media is so liberal and biased, then how do any Republicans ever get elected?"

    Can you imagine what the true numbers would be if there was no bias, reporting on issues instead of mud-slinging, and if there was a TRUE counting of the legal, official, and accurate count of eligible voters???

  7. How on earth do you conclude that what you propose would result in only Republican gains? Do you not see that the media has a sensational bias not one of a political ideology? They embrace and support the status quo, fear and what is sensational regardless of who is helps or harms.

  8. Without needed changes this is something that neither of us will ever be able to "Prove" our beliefs. But it is not my party that is dead-set against making it mandatory that ALL voters must provide photo ID's to prove who they are before they vote. Look at the selective counties that Gore wanted recounted during that election. Hear about the jokes about the Dead voting in Chicago? Any truth to that?

    "not one of a political ideology?"
    The press, including the NewsLeader, is right down the middle and only looking for the story out there, not a party leaning story, NewsLeader included?

  9. Zen--you're living in a dream world. The media CLEARLY has a bias.

    If they really were concerned w/ only sensationalism--then why aren't they running front page news stories on Webb's pedophile book? He wrote about a father giving his son a blow job. That is sick!! And far more sensational then a macaca story.

    Sorry Zen--not buying it! Moveon can keep their spin.

  10. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I think the vote may be closer than a lot of people think, but that Allen will win. The NL is just spining their wheels because the Valley is a lost cause for Webb and his freak show. That is why he is the amazing invisible canidate here. Webb is spending his limited assets in the areas where he might find fellow fruit cakes to vote for him.

    I don't like Webb, I don't like his ideas, I don't like his tactics or the tactics some of his people are using, BUT the left wing machine might get some people to polls that many are not expecting. BUT the Left wing will also motivate some people to get out just to vote against them.
