Sunday, October 08, 2006

Way to Rally the Troops...

Staunton VA.

It seems that several of the Marriage Amendment signs have gone missing in the Staunton City area and pulled from residents front lawns and other high profile areas. It will not be a big problem to replace these for there is much support for this amendment and issue but this act of thievery has brought on a surprising groundswell of support and determination. The act of theft along with the intrusion onto private property has resulted in a new and stronger determination by many who had their signs stolen... Many have been replaced and here are just a few back out there getting the message out... For more information go to the website: ...


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    How could people be...oh what are the words...


    Stealing signs doesn't show you're cool or you making a point. It shows you're dumb and that you thik you're losing and the only way to stem that losing is by stealing the victory away. This goes for both parties. Get a life who is ever stealing these things. Really...

  2. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Now let me get this right. You are against the amendment so you go out and steal the signs supporting the amendment? And you even go into the yards and private property of the person who supports the amendment, for that is why they have the sign displayed, and you think you are going to change that persons vote?

    No wonder you putz's can't win anything....

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I simply cannot believe it. Are the Democrats so petty that they continue to steal marriage amendment signs with ceasing? Do they think that that will stop people from voting their convictions? Maybe it just makes their little hearts swell with pride. Stealing items from others property always does that for me too. And it happened again last night. FOR A THIRD TIME. You guys are freakin ridiculous.

  4. Republicans would never steal yard signs!


  5. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I know we don't steal signs. Thank you for proving my point.

  6. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Did not think it was a Democrat who would take these signs...
    Much lower on the evolution chain...

  7. No believe that Republicans do not steal signs. The reality is they do (check the link). That's really typical though, facts do not matter to you.

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I was being showing a can be just as sarcastic as you can, zenny

  9. Pity you cannot be as literate...

    Yet another example...

  10. Anonymous10:38 AM

    i was typing rather fast and didn't proof-read my post. I'm truly not that gramatically challenged. Though I guess my graduating from the public school system didn't help to much. **rolls eyes** Thanks for that pot-shot zen.

  11. You're certainly welcome. I guess you also rushed through that response huh? I suppose it's always someone else's fault—in this case the public schools.
    Tell me about that "personal responsibility" I hear so much about from the Republican party.

  12. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Zen needs to crawl back into his cave and growl at his fellow libbers.

  13. Anonymous11:00 PM


    i was being sarcastic...again...we had sarcasm 101 in high school and college...obviously you skipped out on that class as well.

    i will just make a footnote on the ned of all my posts that you may read and point out any sarcasm I have used.

    **footnote: sarcasm undetected in this post**

  14. It's not "democrats" stealing the signs, it's opponents of the marriage amendment.

  15. And opponents to the Marriage Amendment would be ... democrats. If there are pubs who oppose it I doubt they would steal them ... it's just the difference in the parties.

  16. swac...what's that difference? That Republicans are trustworthy, moral people? And Dems are not?

  17. That's just about what it boils down to.

  18. Gee, how then do you explain Delay, Cunningham, Ney, Foley, Libby, Abramoff, etc....

  19. How do you explain Kennedy, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Clintons (Rose Law Firm/White Water/Vince Foster), yadda yadda yadda.

    Do you ever work?
