Sunday, November 19, 2006



"The New culture of corruption"

It appears the new Speaker may have hit the first “Speed-bump” of her new coveted position and it came from her own party. The Democratic majority has picked Hoyer over Pelosi’s choice of Murtha by a landslide vote of 149 to 86...
Gonna be a bumpy ride Nancy?

During the run up to the 2006 election Nancy and her crew pushed the “Culture of Corruption” theme whenever possible to smear the Republican Party for their gain. The MainScream media was more then happy to focus on wrongdoings of elected Republicans but yet failed to note and report the same\or worse coming out of the Democratic Party.

While working the polls during this past election we had a significant increase in volunteers to help out at the polls and people were asking on election day if they could help out even before and after they voted themselves. I met a local in my district who volunteered at the polls and has become interested in joining the “GOP Valley” blogs. He has since started documenting the recent\past incidents and statements by those of the Pelosi team. Most of these are not anything new and have been out there for sometime but just seem to be ignored by the “Big” media if these incidents do not fit in their “Game Plan”. Mike also spoke of his disappointment with our local newspaper and we had a long discussion just on that for I have noted the “bias” and selective reporting in the past many times here.

I have added his new blog, “Hard to the Right” to my list and it will be interesting to see how busy Nancy and her crew of “The New Culture of Corruption” keeps him busy in the future…


  1. Thanks for including me in your post and I am sure there will be plenty to "Document" over the next two years!

    There is alot already but you never hear about them unless they are Republicans and the press is after them...

  2. It was interesting to see the media react with the "Foley" story but yet ignore what happened with one of their guys Gerry Studds (D)
