Wednesday, December 27, 2006

CAUTION: "The brow is up again"...


Remember awhile back when it was discovered that Democratic VA Governor Tim Kaine has surrounded himself with ex-Union officials in his cabinet after taking the most in political contributions from Unions in Virginia history?...

"Labor Money in Virginia In his 2005 campaign for governor, Tim Kaine received more than $1.4 million from organizedlabor. Including contributions to his inaugural committee, Governor Kaine received more than $1.55 million in union money. This is far and away the largest amount of money ever spent by labor unions in a Virginia statewide election. To put this in perspective, Governor Kaine received more than 10 times the amount of money than the previous governor received."

Seems now the Governors staff has increased a bit since he got into office...

The guys over at the VA-Cost-Cutting blog have reported:

"If you haven't checked out the publication Executive Amendments to the 2006-2008 Biennial Budget, you should. It gives you a chance to start to drill down on some of the departments of your government.

Starting at the top for instance, on page B-33 one finds the Office of the Governor.In FY 2003 there were 29 employees for a total cost of $2,088,562 = $72,000 ppIn FY 2008 there will be 41 employees for a total cost of $4,379,423 = $107,000 pp

From there one can start asking questions on why the staff has increased positions by 41% and why the total cost has increased 110%."

Keep an eye on that brow...

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