Sunday, December 17, 2006

Homeland Security "Pelosi" way?...


Seems that Nancy Pelosi and her "Democratic clean-up" team is at it again in her attempts to clean up Washington as she promised before the elections. The problem is what will this mean for National or "Homeland" security once she gets her choices in there to head the committees. A good Republican friend from up near Stafford VA. sent this down to me and it's shows what we are in for once they the Democrats take control...

The Washington Times reports that the potential chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Democratic Representative Bennie Thompson has warned Cintas Corp that they will be in trouble if they fire any of their 32,000 employees because they gave wrong Social Security numbers to be hired...(?)

"A Mississippi Democrat in line to become chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee has warned the nation's largest uniform supplier it faces criminal charges if it follows a White House proposal to recheck workers with mismatched Social Security numbers and fire those who cannot resolve the discrepancy in 60 days"

What happens when the Democratic Party goes to fix the Social Security problem and finds all of these people with "bogus" Social Security numbers???

"Rep. Bennie Thompson said in a letter to Cintas Corp. it could be charged with "illegal activities in violation of state and federal law" if any of its 32,000 employees are terminated because they gave incorrect Social Security numbers to be hired."


  1. This unwillingness to deal with illegals through the law just boggles the mind. Unfortunately, it spans both sides of the aisle, at least for now.

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Yeah, It won't take long for you to blame the 110th Dems for many of the things started, or neglected, by the 109th Repubs.

  3. Anonymous, 2250hrs
    What evidence do you have of that?

    Are you one of those who feel the Republicans are nothing but sore losers and just looking to get back as soon as possible? As I have asked before have you seen any local Republicans claiming the voting machines were broken. the police cars were out front of the polling places scaring off GOP voters, people threatening voters, ballots that were confusing, or the likes?

    Senator Allen could have won by 10% but still "Lost" the race for Jim Webb should have never been that close with his history, experience, or political knowledge.("Uh, I pass")...

    Yes I will point out what the Democrats do during their turn at calling the shots. If I am wrong please do present your facts as I will presnet mine...

  4. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I wonder if there is fear that many of those who used the fake social security numbers also used the fake i.d's to vote for the democrats?

  5. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Hey anonymous - We are not blaming any one. This was brought out before the election that the Dems had no policy for illegal immigration. The main steam media just didnt report it. I had to show proof of citizenship (I-9 form) when I was hired, why shouldn't Cintas require all employees to do the same?--Jim in Stafford!

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM


    Lets blame the 109th congress for NOT passing legislation to keep illegals from being able to vote or every voter from having to prove who they are before they vote with Photo I.D.'s
    Was it not the DEMOCRATIC part of Congress who was against requiring voters needing to show photo I.D.'s?

    Is this not a DEMOCRATIC Congressman threatening Cintas from purging workers who falsified their SS #'s to get hired?

    Yes it was the 109th fault

  7. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Illegals, muslims and gays are coming to get you in your sleep!


  8. Anonymous3:50 PM

    It is much cheaper to hire people that you can pay with cheap bottles of Tequilla and some nacho chips.
