Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm flying with those guys!!!


You may have seen this in the news this week about a new X-ray screening machine that will do a total full body x-ray that will show non-metallic devices as well as weapons. Of course the ACLU is going to come out running on this for that is what they are known best for... Fine. Let those who are worried about being "exposed" by the x-ray machine fly with the airline carriers who are worried about the ACLU. I will be glad to subject myself to this screening in a heartbeat and will even pay higher airline fares to know that I am on a plane where everybody was exposed to this screening process...

"A new full-body x-ray machine to be tested this month at a US airport has raised concerns about privacy issues with some rights advocates saying the technology amounts to a virtual strip search.The "Backscatter" machine to be used at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in Arizona will enable screeners to detect non-metallic devices and objects as well as weapons on a person's body, authorities say."

"But critics, including the American Civil Liberties Union, say the machine can display graphic images of nude bodies and its use will pave the way to widespread abuse of the images taken, with some possibly being posted or traded on the Internet."


  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    The thought that I might be exposed to backscatter X-ray images of naked local Radical Right bloggers (RSVA, SMAC Girl, G-Dog, Steve-H, jonathanmaxfield, and so forth) purloined and posted on the Internet has me filled with "fear and loathing".

    I shall send an immediate donation to the ACLU. If that does not work, I plan to send all your names to the Do Not Fly List.

    If that does not work, I beg of you -- do not fly, and, if you do, wrap your whatevers in tinfoil.

  2. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Hey...don't be sad. I agree with you, the ladies couldn't handle my X-rays once I went through the screening. It's a curse I'm glad to carry ;)

  3. Anonymous1:04 AM

    I'll add your name to the No Fly List.

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Bring a few rolls of the tin.

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Actually, the wrapper from a roll of Lifesavers should do it.

    I would also advise wrapping your head in tinfoil to keep out the Project Monarch controllers.

  6. Anonymous12:45 PM

    The evidence to support the existence of Project Monarch is open to doubt. Much like evidence of tolerance in the democrat party.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Nah, I read this on a blog:

    "Cheney is involved in 'testing,' hunting, and raping children who were Monarch Mind Control Slaves when he was the sole Representative for Wyoming in the 1970s. Below is some testimony from one of his child victims."

    If it is in a blog, it has to be true, unlike the MSM.

  8. Anonymous2:39 PM

    the_stenographer said...
    The evidence to support the existence of Project Monarch is open to doubt


    Wow. Did you already know about MONARCH or just find out after that guy made fun of you? The material on it is very extensive and goes back a lot of years. There is lots of scary stuff under MKULTRA. Are you interested in joining a crack on-line team following up on MONARCH? Or are you serious that you don't believe it. We can always use more guys and gals, too. ps. I agree about the Demokitties. Let me know, pls.
