Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Note to Charlie from the Attorney General...


Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell posted some great comments on his website to Democratic Representative Charlie Rangel regarding his statements about the Troops we have serving...

Charlie, following the lead of his buddy John Kerry, made some poor remarks about the caliper of the people serving in our military and has been called on those remarks.

The Attorney General described some of the people who serve in the military that he knows and in fact he has served 21 years in the military himself.

"Jeanine and Rusty are not alone in their service. From former NFL-star Pat Tillman, to Senator-elect Jim Webb's Marine son, our troops choose military service for the right reasons. This has been true from the fields of Yorktown to the streets of Baghdad."


  1. All Rangel is doing is playing a different "Race" card by using an economic card. Data proves that the majority of those serving in the military score higher then the general population and in most cases earn more then the average also. He knows that but he also knows that the people he fires up with his comments will not or want not to look at the actual numbers.

    Good luck waiting for the mainstream media to point that out...

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Rangel is just toting the Democrat line in anything negative about Bush. Same as Kerry and the other Democrats who do not even understand that they are insulting those already serving and putting their ass'es on the line. But it worked for he is in the media spotlight and thats what he wants. Just hope the American people see Rangel for what he is
