Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"H-e-e-e's BACK ! ! !"


(SSG. Herb Harman with Delegate Chris Saxman)

SSG. Herb Harman is back in the states from serving more then one year in Baghdad Iraq with his unit the “Four-One element” of the 654th MP Company…

Herb landed today in the United States and is presently at Fort Dix in New Jersey, which is somewhat better then downtown Baghdad, ( I can say that, I grew up in NJ and know Fort Dix well) and will be processing out this week. Herb should be back in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia soon and I will be sure to post more after talking with him.

I will also be posting more in the next day or two on his return and the award presented to “From Our Hearts” group for their efforts in sending “Care Packages” to the troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Please check for more info:



  1. Welcome back, Herb ... another one of our American heroes. You were missed ... will see you soon! Thank you for your service to our country. :)

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Is SSG Harman coming through Richmond first? There is going to be a big welcome for the 654th Sunday at the Va. War Memorial. I'm going to post on it now.

  3. His wife is picking him up in Richmond Sunday...

    Get photos if you can and I will add them to my post when he gets back in town...


  4. Flora, yes, Herb will be at the War Memorial in Richmond. I'd love to be there but we're getting things ready for him here. God bless you and everyone else who plans to welcome them home.
