Monday, January 29, 2007

Weather-babe with an agenda???


Looks like Heidi over at the Weather Channel has been busy with being a "Star" in the new "Everything's Cool" documentary that "accuses the U.S. government of "criminal neglect" and blames "right-wing think tanks" for helping to "defeat climate-friendly legislation." The film premiered last week at Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival.

"The political message in the film, which prominently features the Weather Channel's Heidi Cullen, appears to conflict with the network and Miss Cullen's recently stated goal of not taking "a political position on global warming,"

Just the other day:

"Today there was much coverage of how a well known meteorologist has called for all American Meteorological Society (AMS) certified meteorologist that deny Global Warming is caused by humans, have their credentials revoked…"

After some more checking it was found that Heidi has been busy in the past when she hosted a sneak preview of the Al Gore documentary about Global Warming...

Stated goal of not taking "a political position on global warming," ???


  1. Question:

    Is it better to think there's global warming caused by human's and be wrong... or to think there isn't global warming and be wrong?

    If there is a good chance that global warming is here and human activity is causing it or increasing it, wouldn't it be better to do something about it... even, if later, it turns out not to the be case... Because the alternative is to do nothing and then, if wrong, we're all royally screwed.

  2. Peter,

    Good point and I do not advocate that we do nothing. If we have a choice to "pollute" or not we should choose not to when possible. The questions is at what cost?

    Ethanol is a big topic now but it is coming out that it may not be the great solution many think it is. Ethanol has less "energy" produced then gasoline so you will need more of it to make the same amount of energy needed. How much C02 is then produced as compared to just gasoline use? Also it takes a considerable amount of energy to produce the ethanol and how effective is it?

    Another topic that has been discussed is yes man has contributed to the increase in CO2 but how much is this really the cause of recent "global warming"?

    History shows it has been Hot & Cold in the past and it seems to run in cycles. Is this just another cycle? It has gotten warmer here over the past decade but it has also gotten warmer on Mars at the same time and how many SUV's are running around on Mars?
    Also 35 years ago we were worried about the next Ice age on the first day of "Earth Day" celebrations. Now we are looking at the other extreme in 3 decades. What change can we make in such a short time and at what cost?

  3. Anonymous4:12 PM

    60% chance of snow tonite in the valley. Guess we better blame "W" that its not 100%-Damn, now we cant even get the weather without politics being involved! Jim in Stafford

  4. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Just what we need - a libtard weather lady that is pushing global warming. Christ. First it was the history revisionists lying to us that McCarthy was on a witch hunt (he never finished his good work) and now we have liberals demonstrating that the politicization of science is just plain stupid.

    She's ugly too, and her tits are lopsided. Sorry for the vile comment, but sometimes things just have to be said.

  5. Anonymous8:21 PM

    "60% chance of snow tonite in the

    RUN, valley people. This is when Food Lion runs out of milk and bread. The very idea of snow brings mass panic around here.

  6. Anonymous9:14 PM

    What is criminial is the foisting of the idea that 'global warming' is a human based problem.

    Global warming happens.

    Global cooling happens.

    As long as there has been a substantial atmosphere on this planet, these two events have occured.

    It is the height of liberal arrogance to claim that human are the cause of global warming/cooling. If liberal desire to live in a world with no 'threat' of global warming/cooling then they need to travel no further than our own moon. The moon is a greenhouse gas free planetary body.

    Personally, I prefer the moderate temperatures afforded by the convection process that vents greenhouse gases out into space.

  7. Isn't it ironic that there are those that ccomplain about turning the issue of global warming political, yet at the very same time use politics to deny it.
    The hypocrisy is astounding.

  8. Ironic is how Al Gore did little to prevent Global Warming while he was Vice-President for it must not have been such a big problem then. After he LOST the election it became his driving force for the good of mankind...

    Don't believe anybody is denying that the avg temp has increased over the past decade, it is the "Extreme theory" that is being pushed that is in question.

    Should we pollute just to pollute?
    But should we punish industry and growth by productive countries such as the United States and yet ignore countries like China, India, and the likes? Now you are getting into the "Politics" aspect and look at what the Kyoto protocol proposed to do...

    Reasearch and science are needed but drastic reactions are not. Several decades ago we knew nothing about the el-nina & el nino
    effects on the weather patterns...

  9. You'd likely benefit from informing yourself before you speak. Because you're more often than not, very, very wrong.

    You said, "Ironic is how Al Gore did little to prevent Global Warming while he was Vice-President for it must not have been such a big problem then. After he LOST the election it became his driving force for the good of mankind..."

    For the record, I thought you might like to know...although you've shown time and time again that you don't have much use for facts...

    While a Representative, Gore co-sponsored hearings on toxic waste in 1978-79, and hearings on global warming in the 1980s.[41] While a senator working on his book Earth in the Balance, Gore had traveled around the world on numerous fact-finding missions. During Gore's tenure as Vice President, he was a proponent for environmental protection. On Earth Day 1994, Gore launched the worldwide GLOBE program, an innovative hands-on, school-based education and science activity that made extensive use of the Internet to increase student awareness of their environment and contribute research data for scientists.
    In the late 1990s, Gore strongly pushed for the passage of the Kyoto Treaty, which called for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions [42] [43]. However, many of these proposals were not enacted by Congress, and/or were not implemented to the satisfaction of critics such as Ralph Nader.[44] In 1998, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia wrote Resolution S. 98 that opposed ratification of the Kyoto treaty, and in turn the Senate voted 95 to 0 against the treaty.
    In recent years, Gore has remained busy traveling the world speaking and participating in events mainly aimed towards global warming awareness and prevention. His Keynote presentation on global warming has received standing ovations, and he has presented it at least 1000 times.

  10. Anonymous6:09 PM

    So then as Vice President all he did was be a "proponent" which means he really did nothing. hmm.. Thanks for clearing that up.

  11. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I contribute to global warming everytime I eat at taco bell.......Immagine what all the cows in the world contribute....hmm is BIG CATTLE ruining the enviroment.....

    OH GADS!!!! We all have to become vegetarians.....but wait Brocoli gives me worse gas than mexican food....the vicious cycle...

    ...Guess we should all live in self sustaining colonies and eat Soylent Green.

  12. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Believe it or not, there is in fact, a "movement" by the wackos to severely restrict animal feeding over flatulance. yet another example of questionable "science", to further a political agenda.

  13. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Isn't it ironic that there are those that ccomplain about turning the issue of global warming political, yet at the very same time use politics to deny it.
    The hypocrisy is astounding.

    Al Gore's a Democrat. He pushes Global Warming. That's what the politiciation of science is all about.

    I wouldn't call that hypocrisy, Zen.

    A liberal that pushes global warming is like someone selling you a shit sandwich, swearing it's chocolate.

  14. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Believe it or not, there is in fact, a "movement" by the wackos to severely restrict animal feeding over flatulance. yet another example of questionable "science", to further a political agenda.

    Al Gore leads the wacko pack.

    "Let's push this global warming thing to scare people into believing it's all true. Before we realize it, they will be voting for me, because I'm a really smart guy."

  15. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Wikipedia: The source of vital truth when one runs out of facts.

  16. Turkey Farmer,

    You gotta be kidding me on that one?

    Are they really going after the cows due to the "Gas" that they are producing? Or is it justa a way for another "Faction" of the Vast-Left-Wing conspiracy called PETA trying to push their views thru also???
