Friday, January 19, 2007

Win or ignore?

Signs are starting to show up around town calling for "Win the War" as compared to some that were calling for "End the War" and seen at a recent local anti-war protest.

It is evident to many that we must win this war in Iraq and continue the war on world terrorism. If not America and other allies will be attacked again by those who strive to kill all those who do not believe as the terrorist believe...

Speaker of the House Pelosi and her gang will be calling for a vote on the war in Iraq. The Democrats, including Virginia Senator Jim Webb have called for troop removal and a strategy of "Re-deployment". A strategy that have not discussed and I very much doubt they have. They only see this as a political opportunity and do not offer any real plan to continue this fight on terrorism and the protection of the citizens...


  1. Have you any idea what our other Virginia senator's position is on a troop surge?

  2. That seems to be a top talking point to the local media right now. I am sure the NewsLeader will be sure to concentrate on that as hard as they did the Maccaca quote...

    McCloskey probably has 6-Toons done already about it...

    Senator Warner may be waiting to see how things shake out before making it public. Seems a common tactic to many "Multiple-term" Congresspeople...

  3. I don't understand your seeming paranoia of how the NL will cover this. It's a very valid question. How do Virginia's senators feel about Bush's proposal?

    I'm not sure what you mean by "wait for things to shake out." Do you mean wait to see how he feels based upon the potential political fallout? Isn't that a problem?

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Where can I get this sign? Email me,

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Instead of putting up signs, why don't you kick in some money to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars this war costs, or support a tax to pay for it? You know, ACTUAL sacrifice instead of empty "support the troops" rhetoric. Somehow I doubt you actually care enough about winning the war or about our country to do that, you're just pretending to do your part in the war, but pleasantly surprise me.

  6. Doom-and-gloom Dignan, I responded to your almost exact comment left on my site.

    Steve Harkonnen, I emailed you with my contact info. Thanks for your support.

  7. Signs? What happened to the "Mission Accomplished" banner?

  8. Zen,

    It is not “Paranoia” but the obvious bias of the NewsLeader in it’s coverage of political topics and incidents. I am sure you have seen my listing of the three GOP events that happened in the area in the last 3-4 months where the NewsLeader and the NewsVirginian both attended but the NewsLeader failed to report on the event while the NewsVirginian and Daily News Record did report the facts. Look at last weeks Augusta Coalition Peace & Justice anti-Bush-War rally that the NewsLeader ignored the other side of the story once again. NewsVirginian contacted a Army Sergeant who just returned from a year in downtown Baghdad for another viewpoint. Bias? Hell yes and if you cant see that then we will waste no more time discussing that…

    I will not take the liberty to state what I think John Warner is thinking for I am sure he will make up his own mind and if he follows the “Job Protectionism” route I doubt I will be surprised. It has become a common tactic of survival for our Congress people from both sides. Term limits would be interesting would they not? Unfortunately I fear many in Congress will “Tailor” their views to fit accordingly with their potential political future no matter what they think. Do you really think Jim Webb will be speaking his mind during his 5 minutes of exposure next week after the Presidents State of the Union?

  9. Dignan,

    Good point…
    Why don’t you list exactly what you know I have done, and HAVE not done, to support this war and the Troops fighting this war? You seem to be sure that I have done nothing but write posts on RightsideVA attacking those against the war.
    Please list how many checks written in support of organizations supporting the troops or relief agencies sending aid to the countries. Please list the amount of hours volunteered with local support organizations sending packages to the troops serving in Iraq & Afghanistan and the people of those countries. Please list the meetings and seminars attended regarding the war on terrorism and aid programs to help those effected by war. Don’t worry about listing the effort or posts to blogs getting out the rest of the story that the Liberal media (YES the NewsLeader Zen!) fails to report, for one can see that on RightsideVA.

    Also please list how much of my tax money goes to supporting this war and a federal government that is giving healthcare and subsidies to those who enter and remain illegally in this country.

    “Support the War” rhetoric?
    You tell me since you act as you know that much about me…

  10. RS> You said, " I am sure he will make up his own mind and if he follows the “Job Protectionism” route I doubt I will be surprised. "

    Are you implying that if Warner, or anyone else in congress for that matter, that sides against Bush in the call for more troops is doing so based on political preservation? If so, then why do you find it so difficult to believe that there are a lot of opinions, many military included, Republicans included, a vast majority of American citizens, that all are against the idea of escalating the war in Iraq?

    And however the NL, or any other media covers this story, it ought to be based upon facts. As we know the majority of opinion is against an escalation, the last thing the coverage should do is apply false balance by giving the impression that this is an equally divided issue.

  11. Anonymous11:04 PM

    well, it's good you did all that, "rightside", but it apparently wasn't enough, since the war is still costing the government about $10 billion a month. So stop worrying about signs and candles and raise some serious money, if you really care to sacrifice instead of pretending.

    And as for your whining about your taxes, exactly $0 of your tax money went to the war, because there is no tax to support the war. Get it? There's no tax for the war (because you elect irresponsible fools into office who don't budget their actions), it's being paid for by increasing the bational debt, so the money spent on this war will be paid for by future generations, along with enormous amounts of interest, not you.

  12. Dignan,

    Get your self a good book on economics and American history. Professor Thomas Sowell is a good choice.

    Thanks for the info on where my "Whining" taxes go..

    If not already, you need to go hang out with the people over at the Augusta Coalition for Peace & Justice for they obviously feel your way also...

    Regarding Sportfishing as an example: Your bait is rigged but there is too much turbulence coming off the back of the baitfish and thus too much drag. This will result in the mullet, ballyhoo, pilchard, spinning and thus making the bait look fake and a obvious fake. Also one must hide the hook properly within the bait and use a good quality flurocarbon leader otherwise nobody in their right mind would jump on your "Bait" statements...


  13. Wow, a boring and non-substantive response. Continue to pretend to be substantively helping with your war; it won't slow down your lifestyle one bit, phony.

  14. Anonymous11:59 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Anonymous,

    Cheap shot and not going to allow it. Even if it was against you, if you identified yourself without posting under "Anonymous", I would remove it for cheap shots and name calling is not needed. If you are looking for that type of thing please check out the NewsLeader blog for they allow that type of thing...

  16. I thought that comment was out of line too. But I guess in addition to the NL, you could also direct that poster to visit your buddy SWAC girl's blog. She allows cheap shots there. She only criticizes them when they are not friendly to her, but endorses them when they bash others.

  17. "We are told that he is going to introduce a resolution late this afternoon along with at least one other Republican and a conservative Democrat, making clear that he believes that sending more U.S. troops into what he has called increasing sectarian violence is a mistake."

  18. Post was removed for it was a cheap shot and not needed. Also "Anonymous" carries little weight here. What happens on other blogs are the owners choice. Rightside is mine...

  19. SWAC Girl here ... and you're out of line, Zen. I don't know what comment was removed here on Rightside ... but what is posted at SWAC Girl is my responsibility. I've had some slams against me that were allowed to be posted but don't recall any specifically against someone else. If you have a problem you're welcome to take it up with me on my site.

  20. lol...Don't be so offended. I just thought that while Rightside was recommending sites to spread cheap shots yours seemed to fit right in.

  21. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Hey Dignan......

    Nice to see we have a master of the US Tax system here. So, since you are obviously such an expert on federal spending please provide me with a break down for where my tax money goes......

    I know about the part that supports the people fleecing the welfare system and the earmarks and the entitlements system, ect. But often I have wondered how much of my money went to paying for the military and the civilian contractors who support our military, in times of war or in times of peace. I have driven all around the area and have not seen a US ARMY bake sale or any troops collecting donations......Where do they get the money for their new tanks and bullets? I mean since Neither I nor Rightside are paying any money for the war I guess all out troops are just taking out loans to buy ammo to kill the terrorists.

    Please explain...I'm obviously confused about how the US Govm't spemds their budget. With no money going from the treasury to support the war and all, I mean Gee wiz how do we even get the troops over there? Are they buying their own plane tickets?

    I guess that working hard to keep the economy churning doesn't count towards funding anything. We all just woork out of the goodness of our hearts so that the money can be spent on a federal level to plan to clean up the next terrorist attack or give atm cards to people who think they can out last Cat. 5 storms and stuff huh?

    Maybe all of us hard working people should just quit our jobs and live off the govm't. While we are waiting for the check we can protest things that compete with the funding for our freeloadership. Yeah! that sounds like a good plan.


    Who makes those signs? Maybe they can make some that say "Quit your Job and live of the working people, It's the Democratic Path!"


    "Stop the War, Put more in my check!"


    "Support the Minumum Wage increase, someone needs to pay taxes to support ME!"


    "Can't we just hit reset or enter a cheat code? The war is like my PS3...Right???!"

    (I have been gone too long)

  22. What happens when we get to the point where more people get an "aid" check from the government then the ones paying into the system? Who will the "majority" then vote for? Will they vote for the candidate that promises to give them more "aid" or the candidate that is for removing restrictions and penalties for hard work?

    Seems that those debit cards down in New Orleans have run out for they are demanding more $$$ in aid. Interesting how Miss. next door actually got hit harder then N.O. but the people there are cleaning up and repairing on their own. Little aid demanded there as compared to the N.O. people. Also look at the Colorado post a few back on how hard they got hit but the people are not sitting there waiting for the Federal Government or FEMA to come feed them...

  23. Anonymous11:48 AM

    well in a previewof what is to come for the year......the only specific thing Webb mentioned was more aid for New Orleans..aside from pulling out of Iraq. You can see where the priority is......Buying votes for 2008.
