Friday, February 16, 2007

46,000,000 Uninsured... or, so...


The next time your favorite(?) Democrat trots out their famous claim of there being over 46 million uninsured Americans out there here are some of the numbers that make up their claims… And are all of those Americans really legal Americans?…

Investors Business Daily provided some interesting numbers that make up this “reoccurring election talking point” for our democratic friends but ones they don’t seem to mention to often.

45% are uninsured for four months or less…
29% lack coverage for more than a year…
15.9% of the population is “uninsured” by recent numbers…
16.3% of the population were uninsured during “Clinton’s Year” of 1998...
1.4 million more people in 2005 had insurance than the year before…
86% of the growth of uninsured between 1998 and 2003 were immigrants…
26% of the now uninsured are immigrants as compared to 19% in 1994...
40% of the uninsured are under the age of 34 years…
14 million uninsured adults & children are eligible for government coverage…

“Looked at more closely, then, you see that most of the uninsured are young, between jobs, moving to industries that don't offer coverage, or eligible for government programs. True, a gap in coverage can be a problem, and many still have no coverage for long spells.
But fixing these problems requires targeted reforms that make it easier for people to buy insurance on their own, and carry it with them as they change jobs — just like people do with auto insurance or homeowner's insurance."

"It means getting rid of costly state mandates that push up the price of coverage. It means fixing the tax code bias against out-of-pocket spending on health care. It means creating viable high-risk insurance pools for those who can't get coverage for health reasons, and making sure people sign up for available public help"…

So the next time this issue gets dragged out during the next two-year campaign think about who makes up that 46,000,000 and the choices some of the “Uninsured” make…
It reminds me of the 20 year old at work who does not have health insurance for both her and her husband are young and would rather spend their income on “more important stuff”… That and paying off the $6,000 Honeymoon that they put on their credit cards…

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