Friday, February 02, 2007

"Are movies included with this flight"?...


Seems that the new Speaker of the House is taking full advantage of her position and has demanded that she have routine access to military aircraft for domestic flights... After 11 September 2001 this also became practice for then Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert to ensure proper security and reliable communications, but seems Speaker Pelosi wants to go a bit further with her privledges... "A former Hastert aide said the congressman did not use military planes for political trips or regularly transport his family".

"The sources, who include those in Congress and in the administration, said the Democrat is seeking regular military flights not only for herself and her staff, but also for relatives and for other members of the California delegation. A knowledgeable source called the request "carte blanche for an aircraft any time."

Yeah but how good can it be on a military flight? Do they at least give you an extra package of peanuts?

"U.S. Air Force travel for VIPs such as members of Congress is first-rate. The planes are staffed with stewards who serve meals and tend an open bar."

She did promise to replace the "Culuture of Corruption" with a "More transparent, ethical" Congress...

Speaker of the House Pelosi must remain constantly in touch with her Constituents in San Fransicko and a with the reliable military transport fleet she will be able to attend the weekly "Progressives against Global Warming" meetings...


  1. and family members, entourage, hair dressers, pet setters, assorted Ringling Brothers, and Barnum Bailey stand ins for Dem Senators vacationing, and not able to attend Congressional Hearings, the list just goes on doesn't it?

  2. An unconfirmed source also advised that it was requested that the military aircraft have a operating cryogenic freezer in the event Democratic Representative Jefferson needs to move some "Cash" quickly...

  3. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I'm fine with it if we make a special cargo plane that can just roll her out the back door at 30,000 feet.

    Maybe her friends in Samoa can build a big net out of old tuna nets.

  4. Samoa was an unfortunate oversight on the part of the new Speaker of the House. That with first 100 hours of Congress there was much to do you know...

    Any Swamp-draining?

  5. My God are wrong again!!! Duped once again by your sources into believing right-wing propaganda. The irony of it all is your constant rail against the "liberal" media, when you've been suckered yet again by your choice of sources.

    What do you have to say for yourself?

  6. Duped again?

    How so?
    The attached article is there for you to see but unfortunately it seems to be what you do not wish to see...

    Just because it is not reported the way "Zen World" would like to see it does not mean it did not happen. Ever read the Washington Post or the NY Times and see the way they report the news?

  7. Yes duped again! And you just keep digging in your heels...

    Here's a link for you:

    And a portion of the FACTS. I expects you'll continue to spin. Man, I wish just once you'd acknowledge a mistake.

    In fact, the central claims of the Washington Times piece are both false.

    1) The House Sergeant at Arms, not Pelosi, initiated inquiries into the use of military aircraft. House Sergeant at Arms Wilson Livingood, who has served in his position since 1995, released a statement today clarifying the facts. He writes, “In December 2006, I advised Speaker Pelosi that the US Air Force had made an airplane available to Speaker Hastert for security and communications purposes following September 11, 2001.” Additionally, Livingood writes, “I offered to call the U.S. Air Force and Department of Defense to seek clarification of the guidelines [which governed Speaker Hastert’s use of a plane].”

    2) A larger plane was requested because Hastert’s plane required refueling to travel cross-country. The Washington Times says a larger plane was requested to accomodate Pelosi, “her staff, other Members and supporters.” That’s not true. In fact, the plane used by Speaker Hastert was too small for Pelosi since it “needs to refuel every 2,000 miles and could not make the nonstop haul to California. ‘The Air Force determined that [Pelosi’s] safety would be best ensured by using a plane that has the fuel capacity to go coast-to-coast,’” a Pelosi spokesperson said.

  8. Once again your problem is with the reporting done by the Washington Times. If you are so fed up with their reporting you need to go to them. Rightside posted and linked to their article and it is one that you dispute. Your source provided more information then the Wash Times article did but like you, I question the source.

    The Progressive source that you presented provided statements from the House Sergeant at Arms but yet the statment does not address the complete list of people to use the plane. "flights not only for herself and her staff, but also for relatives and for other members of the California delegation."
    The Progressive source avoided(?) the claim of use by Pelosi's family and the likes.

    Rightside visitors are all able to read sources provided and your links have not been deleted or removed on this blog. Readers can read what they want and believe what they feel they trust most.

    Like you, I look at the slant provided by the media source and I feel that has an agenda and will spin the story their way. That is fine for I am sure that you feel the Washington Times has it's own spin.

    The interesting thing is how you "Assume" many things about my posts on Rightside and are quick to defend the Liberals at every opportunity. That is fine and I am sure that you "understand" where Rightside is coming from when it posts stories that much of the Mainstream media ignores.

    Yes that includes the NewsLeader
    for they do not print anything critical of the Democratic party. Comments like this have resulted in strong claims from Zen in regards to Rightsides problem with the Mainstream media. Good. That is one reason why Rightside exists and if it bothers you that much go hang out on the NewsLeaders blog for the wing-nut Libs over there pretty much have control of Dennis Neal and his "Project".

    Maybe Zen and others really has a problem that the NewsLeader, CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, NY Times, Washington POST, LA Times, and many of the older Mainstream media, is having a hard time that they do not control the news as they did before? "Control"? Yes. Maccaca should have been a two day story but the Washington Post kept that going for weeks before the election and looked for other trash when that started to slow down. That is bullshit spin and I "Assume" you support the Washington Post in their actions.

    The "Evil" FoxNews, (and I "Assume" you feel FoxNews is "Evil" just like you have made many assumptions about Rightside) is very popular and the ratings show it. The Conservative Talk radio shows are popular but yet Liberal Radio goes nowhere.

    Don't like it?
    Too bad. There are numerous "Progressive" blogs out there that I am sure you will enjoy being a part of...

    If need be check out "Waldo" from Charlottesville who has a popular blog. I "assume" you will like that one...

  9. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Maybe she should get her own specially modified 747. we could call it "Airfarce $7.25"

    I mean you given that this whole war thing is a "creation" of the bush admin according to the Pelosi/Clinton ticket, you would think that Pelosi would travel in a open top car with her pack of people when she needs to go cross country. I mean there is no danger right? The war is a false hood right? No chance of us being attacked here, huh? What is her reasons for needing such a secure method of travel if she believes what she spouts off about?

    I still say just provide her a C-130, let her drive her little hybrid car right up the ramp and she can listen to her XM radio and speak on her cell phone while it refules mid-flight from a KC-135 tanker. She can roll right off the back of the plane to go to her NAMBLA meeting and all you can eat canned tuna bar. The load master in the plane might even give her and her "crew" a bag lunch mid-flight.
