Friday, February 09, 2007



Here is a link to the 1975 article in NewsWeek that claimed the environment was facing a catastrophic temperature change that would lead to great famines and threaten the worlds population…

The fear at that time and described in this NewsWeek article was that the global temperature was “COOLING” and that we were all doomed but little was expected to be done . “The longer the planners delay, the more difficult they will find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality”…

Included in this NewsWeek article was a chart showing the “Average temperature change” which showed an increase in temperature from 1880 to 1942 at which point the temperatures proceeded to decline sharply to the 1970’s when this article was written. Was that temperature spike over that period caused by mankind as it is claimed now?

Where was Al Gore in 1975???

Newsweek April 28th ,1975


  1. What scientific journals did Newsweek use to put this article together? Find some scientific journals, a peer-reviewed study from the '70's that backs this up then it will be a bit more serious.
    For someone like you that loves to demonize media like Newsweek, it's pretty odd that you'd point to them as an authority on climate science. If Newsweek used scientific journals and studies to put this story together, then surely that's available. What is it?

    Side note: For someone that claims to discourage "cheap shots" you sure love to take them yourself. Your sandbox huh?

  2. And to answer your snarky question:
    In 1975 Al Gore was a Vietnam Vet in law school. Very soon he made a successful run for the US House of Representatives.

  3. Data provided in graph is from The National Center for Atmosheric Research and some NOAA scientist... What did cause that dramatic rise in temp and then a decline to 1973 were there were claims of cooling and associated problems? Maybe there is history of cooling\heating periods?

    Do your own homework...
    There is the article that many of your people seem to ignore. Where those same scientist that wrong back then? Is that graph printed upside by mistake?

    Cheapshot time?
    Yes. Time to play it your way...

  4. Here's some homework...

    Let's look at a longer period of data collecting. See a trend here?

  5. Interesting...
    What caused the spike from 1910 to 1940?

    Leary of depending on a "Wikipedia" as a source that can be edited by anybody logging on and or donating to the website...

    A perfect "Progressive" tool. The ability to re-write history....

  6. I'm sure you'll find a problem with this source as well:

    Notice a trend here?
