Thursday, February 08, 2007

"Madame Speaker, Pelosi-One is ready for flight"....


It seems that the topic of air-travel for the Speaker of the House has become a interesting topic in the news and on "The Hill" in Washington. It has been interesting to watch unfold considering that Madame Speaker Pelosi pledged to clean up washington once she got into power.

"Power = Perks" and it appears the Speaker has been looking for as many perks as possible including an upgrade to the plane provided by the military to fly her back and forth to San Fransicko. It seems that the same size plane provided to then Speaker of the House Hastert is not able to make the non-stop flight between D.C. & the Left coast without stopping to refuel. It has also been reported that the smaller plane would not be able to accomodate the staff, supporters, family, others that the Madame Speaker might like to give a ride to. In contrast to Speaker Hastert's use of the plane provided to the Speakers office:

"Air Force spokeswoman Lt. Col Cathy Reardon tells ABC News that when Hastert used the plane, "it was himself, and he usually had one to three staff members and two security staff — members of the Capitol police force. His wife would sometimes fly, and he reimbursed the government for everyone," paying the government for the cost of a commercial flight to the same place. Hastert's office did not return a call for comment."

Now many have said that this topic is petty and the only reason it has been reported is to embarrass the Madame Speaker. Of course I am sure that the "Democratic" side of the party is treating it as "Petty" and not newsworthy and there are more important things to do like "Drain the Swamp" of corruption in Washington D.C.

"Late Wednesday afternoon, one of Pelosi's closest allies in the House, Rep. John Murtha, D-Penn., chairman of the key Appropriations Committee subcommittee on defense, told CNN that the Pentagon was making "a mistake" by leaking information unfavorable to the speaker "since she decides on the allocations for the Department of Defense."

The same "Department of Defense" that "Foots" the bill for the Speakers travel on military planes and the cost of the larger plane requested by the Madame Speaker has been reported to be $300,000 per round trip...


  1. Just saw Pelosi on CNN when she was asked about the bigger plane for security reasons. She said that she would rather not fly with the security but with "Friends"...

    What type of friends Nancy?

  2. The fact that you are so enraptured by this false, non-story shows indeed just how petty you are. Pelosi has said that she would continue to fly commercially, as she's done thousands of times. But the law, changed since 9/11, makes her take military flights. You know being the third in line for the presidency—just behind a man that's had 5 heart attacks. And maybe you know something more about physics and aerodynamics than the military and can figure out how to make the smaller plane make the trip. Do you understand geography? Do you realize that Illinois is considerably closer than California?
    I guess this is the type of stuff you'd rather moan and complain about, the kind of non-story you feel is so vital, rather than why Republicans are so unwilling to even debate a non-binding resolution about the war. Maybe this flight story gives you more jollies than contemplating the helocopters being shot down in Iraq.

    Instead this is what you choose.....pathetic, really pathetic. You keep grasping at straws and your party will continue to lose and fail us all. Keep dancing while Baghdad burns.


    Do I think you will give this a rest now? NO.
    Do I think you should? Yes.
    Do I think you would ever publish a correction? Hell No. And that's why you have no credibility.

  4. "Do you understand geography?"
    Yes and I understand that the G-3 and G-4 series aircraft will make the trip from D.C. to San Fransicko.

    As far as moaning and complaining about this your are welcome not to visit Rightside at anytime you want to stop. Nobody is forcing you to come here but if you want to hear about things going on with your "Precious Princess" you will probably need to come here or the likes for the sorry-ass NewsLeader you buddy with will not have these stories.

    "Maybe this flight story gives you more jollies than contemplating the helocopters being shot down in Iraq." The reason why those copters are getting shot down? Because of whinning ass passive losers like you and the liberal party which in fact don't give a shit about the troops, people of Iraq, or about the next victims of a terrorist attack. What happens if it happens in one of you precious "Progressive" towns? What if Hollyweird was to get hit?

    Sorry but the patience of dealing with sniffling little whinning ass twits is growing short.

    Publish a "Correction" as you see it? Your opinion and set of "Facts" are not the only out there so go hang out with likes of Dennis and Waldo...

    Do I answer to you?

  5. You must ejoy being wrong. Have you ever, EVER, admitted a mistake? Have you ever realized you are publishing lies and mistruthes here?
    It's pathetic. You most certainly have no need to agree with the things I do. But your constant attacks when backed into a corner are childish. The facts in your story are WRONG. It has nothing to do with my opinion. Whe you distort facts and outright make them up, then there can be no valid dialogue. So it seems you intentionally lie in order to be right. Sad.
    Just look at the way you blame liberals et al for the mistakes and tragidies in rthe war.
    The reason why those copters are getting shot down? Because of whinning ass passive losers like you and the liberal party which in fact don't give a shit about the troops, people of Iraq, or about the next victims of a terrorist attack. So as the majority of Americans are against the war...we are to blame for these copters going down. Your logic is obtuse and desperate. But sadly follows a pattern you have.

    Admit a mistake once in a while. Stop digging deeper ever time you are called out for lies and spin. Be honest once in a while. No you don't answer to me, but why do you choose to live so many lies?

  6. "Publishing lies and mistruthes"
    Are not these lies that you claim also linked by the sources like the Washington Times and other media sources? Maybe the problem is that there are now "Other" media sources out there besides those cherrished "Progressive" thinking outlets you have enjoyed in the years past? Why is it that FoxNews and Conservative talk radio can be so popular and growing while your mainstream media out lets are shrinking and laying off staff? Do you feel all of America being duped by the "Right" media?

    "Pathetic" is it not that your can no longer control the information as it did before. Hey! controlling information and promoting propaganda! Isn't that what your side claims the Neo-cons have been doing!!?? Ironic is it not? If you cant see what Pelosi was really after when she, her staff, her dog, her family, her pool-boy, or whoever actually made the request for a larger plane, you are then turning a blind eye. She wants the big plane that will cost the taxpayers millions over a year to operate to fly her friends and supporters... Kind of like a version of the Clinton "Lincoln bedroom" perk to her supporters, just a Pelosi "Mile-High Lincoln Bedroom" version... G-3 & G-4 can make the trip from D.C. to San Fransicko but no bedroom included...

    Your polls show that the majority of Americans are against the war but at the sametime your buddies fail to report the rest of the poll that shows the MAJORITY of Americans feel it would be a mistake to remove the troops until the job is done... Information manipulation?

    The Majority of Americans understand that we must stay and get the job done and sure nobody wants to be there. That is obvious and simple. Nobody wants war but Mick said it best with "You can't always get what you want"... But grown ups understand you get what you need with hard work...

    Your Senator Webb wants to redeploy the troops but in what way? It's easy to say what the "Progressives" want to hear but what about facts to his plan and redeployment to what countries?

  7. It's not about the media sources. It's about you. It's about you having a penchant for standing by stories that are wrong. It's about you being an echo chamber for false information. Why do you allow yourself to continually get burned by parroting proven wrong information? (Iraq safer than US, Pelosi's plane, Gore, Gore v Bush, etc...) Never once have you said, "yeah I guess that wasn't accurate." Or, "Yeah that wasn't fully correct." Instead you dig in and then blame everyone else, you blame the media, you attack me, you attack Webb, you attack. But you NEVER take responsibility for repeating and perpetuating stories that have been discredited. Where's that Republican "personal responsibility" the right loves to talk about?

    "This is a silly story and I think it's been unfair to the speaker," White House spokesman Tony Snow said at a morning briefing with reporters.
    "We think it's important that the speaker of the House enjoy the same kind of security that we arranged for Speaker Hastert in the wake of September 11th. And like I said, I think that there's been a lot of over-hyped reporting on this," Snow said.

    I guess you ought to attack Tony Snow and the White House for discrediting the story as well. Who do you think Snow means when he says, "over-hyped reporting?" Perhaps a little objectivity would help your case. Making up stupid garbage does little to validate your position. A position built upon substance and fact is much more credible. It makes me wonder why you so rarely use any. But it also tells me a lot when you grasp so desperately to bogus reporting.

  8. Actually I believe Tony Snow should be highlighting the story and bouncing Pelosi off the wall as I am sure your people would be doing if in the same situation. See, Republicans are better then your parties bullshit....

    "Making up stupid garbage does little to validate your position."

    Famous Quote: "NUTS"...

    Readers to Rightside have links and posts provided to them to read and disregard as they wish. See, I even allow you to cry foul whenever you don't agree...

    Don't like it?
    Go cry somewhere else...

  9. So you are willing to stand by sources even though they have been discredited. Thanks for clearing that up. And yet you continue to present fallacy as fact for pure partisan gain without regard for the truth. You attempt to justify these actions by saying the the other side would do the same—without proof mind you. And as if someone else's wrong-doing makes yours right. Classic partisan hack.

    Enjoy your self styled cyclone of spin you've created to insulate yourself from real discussion and real debate. Anytime you think you've enough game for the real world come on outside of you bubble.
