Friday, February 16, 2007

Which way will the "Brow" go this time?...


Virginia "Democratic" Governor Tim Kaine needs to step up to the plate and actually get something done with the Transportation plan, which the local media loves to talk about "How the Republicans once again are doing nothing". And it is evident that the "Democratic" Governor has the support of the local media here in the Valley for the "Staunton NewsLeader" seems to have their weekly rant about transportation at least once a week, without calling on the "Democratic" Governor to do something...

The Washington Times has a good article on the topic of how the "Democratic" Governor needs to get involved and support the best transportation plan to get something done, if he really does want to get something done with transportation. But maybe the "Democratic" Governor would really rather see a solution to the transportation fail once again only to benefit the Governor and his "Democratic" party in the upcoming elections???

"Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, a Republican, said Mr. Kaine has been "missing in action" and thinks he and fellow Democrats would rather see talks fail so they can rip Republicans this fall when all 140 seats of the General Assembly are up for election."

Once again it seems the "Democratic" Governor does not want to touch anything from the General fund which has a substantial balance in it from the Tax Increase that was rammed thru by the prior "Democratic" Governor Mark Warner. It appears that the Governor has other plans for our tax money and claims it is needed for teachers, police, human services, and other "Voter blocs". But will this surplus really be used in these areas by the "Democratic" Governor?

Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell said:

"He's got to decide whether he wants a significant policy achievement on transportation or have a political achievement in having a bill fail, then blame Republicans," he said. "I think the governor, having made this the top issue, has some moral obligation to work something out."


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I am really tired of the liberal rags we have in our area.

    What do we have to do to get a decent well balanced newspaper here? Our entire family cancelled their subscriptions with one of the local papers because they are too one-sided.

    Tim Kaine was the one who decided to pay for security for Iranian terrorist Khatami's visit to Virginia so he could speak at the universities. I wrote a letter to him asking why he authorized such funding and he tried pointing the finger at UVA, claiming they paid for Khatami's security, which consisted of 52 state police cars and two helicopters.

    Tim Kaine, therefore, lied to me in his response. UVA did not pay for Khatami's security at all. Virginia taxpayers did. This was covered up.

  2. Steve,

    Maybe that is why "Democratic" Governor Kaine wants to keep his "General Fund-Surplus" intact so he can spend OUR money on his pet projects like this one...

    The "Liberal Rag" has dropped off in subscription rates and has even gotten into the blog business on the side. The blog is even more of a joke and controlled by the "Progressives" with the help of the editor and staff. Look at the topics that they field: "Was Allen blitzed?" was a topic afte the Senators concession speech. And where are the hard hitting questions on Webb and his antics? Not going to find them at the NewsLeader.

    That is why more and more people are going to the internet and other then "Rag" publications...

    Watch for the 4-year protest that will happen in downtown area of Staunton in March coordinating with the one in Washington. The NewsLeader will send a reporter but the story is written already and in the buffer waiting just for photos...

    Look elsewhere for your information and thanks for including Rightside...

  3. Anonymous12:45 PM

    The Gov. proposed using less than 30% of the surplus for transportation. The GOP proposes 50% for it.

    As they said on SWxSE, Kaine is all eyebrow and no backbone.
