Thursday, March 01, 2007

Brazile's World...


Donna Brazile is at it again in the Washington Times (Zen, how can that be?) with her column disparaging the Vice-Presidents comments about Speaker Pelosi and Big John Murtha plans to restrict the military and the war on terrorism. Brazile claims that anybody who is against the war in Iraq is being labeled as Un-patriotic and the Vice-President is leading these attacks.

"Vice President Dick Cheney is at it again. Once again, the self-proclaimed "enforcer" is shooting recklessly, arrogantly disparaging the patriotism of those who oppose the continued escalation of troops in Iraq."

But actually what the Vice-President said pretty much sums it up and it appears the truth hurts and Brazile does not like it at all…

"If we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Murtha are suggesting, all we do is validate the al Qaeda strategy. The al Qaeda strategy is to break the will of the American people."

A strategy that has worked in the past and continues to be used by the Democrats favorite tool, the Mainstream media, to form a negative view of the war on terrorism. Just look at this past weeks 60 minutes program and their claims of many military personnel against the war in Iraq. Post on this to come…

Brazile claims that if you question or come out against the war you are then labeled as somebody who is “demoralizing the troops”. Brazile then states that our troops are tough and can take it.
“They have a job. They have a mission, and they do it well. And we're proud of their service to the country. End of story.”

Brazile then sums it up by saying that the President is wrong, Pelosi is right, and the best thing for the troops is for the country to unite in pulling them out.

“The vice president was clearly out of line, and Mrs. Pelosi is right to call his bluff. The best way to support our troops is to unite our country behind a strategy that will bring them home as soon as is feasible.”

So cutting off reinforcements, equipment, supplies, training, and logistics is uniting behind a strategy to support the troops? What if we had the same military levels we had before “Surplus Slick” Willie Clinton cut the military like he did in the90’s? Where would we be now if he did not cut the military forces, training bases, and recruitment levels? If Clinton had maintained the military levels and kept the investment in our intelligence services this whole war on terrorism would have been completely different. If Clinton had addressed the terrorism problem during his tenure more aggressively instead of as a “Criminal investigation” the attacks of 9/11 could have been prevented.

Something Brazile seems to ignore in her “world”…


  1. Anonymous11:27 PM

    You know, this post reminds me of something else but similar.

    Why is it that the Democrats in Congress always seem to want to run away from fighting our enemies? Why this "cut and run" strategy?

    It's an outrage. They are wanting to cut and run while at the same time our troops are defending THEIR rights as Americans, all at the same time our troops in Guantanamo are being told to hand our freebie Qurans with gloved hands to Muslim terrorists being held there.

    Disarmament through superior firepower & Mitt Romney in '08.

  2. Anonymous8:28 PM

    You show your superior "ignorance firepower" and no doubt if you are supporting Mitt Romney in 2008

  3. I see now that the Democrat leaders are now backing away from the "Slow-Bleed" approach for it showed how they hate the military and saw that the people would not support or allow that tactic. The interseting thing is it showed exactly what they want to do to us and some of the media actually reported that. There was a great editorial cartoon showing a soldier in Baghdad reaching back to get more ammo and Murtha was there saying sorry but no more ammo available!!

    Notice how the violence has subdued since we have allowed our troops more freedom to fight the war the way they should? Little reporting on that but much reporting on how close they came to taking out the Vice-President. And how about those comments from the LEFT about iit being a shame they missed? The LEFT bloggers and grassroots showed their ass on that one and got spanked for doing it!!!

    Where were you Dignan?
    Im sure you wanted to see the VP removed that way!!!

  4. Btw, that wasn't me; that wasn't even a complete sentence by that guy.

    I don't want Cheney to get hit by a bomb. Didn't he say they were supposed to throw roses at him, though? Oops.

  5. Anonymous11:23 AM


    "That guy" who didn't write a complete sentence will happen to be playing with his band tonight down at Byer's Street Bistrto in Staunton. If you've got something to say, bring it on down to me. I will discuss anything with whatever you have to say.

    However, if you do come down, make sure you like country music.

    We start playing around 9-9:30pm.

    Rightside VA, you come on down too, and anyone else that stops by. Music makes the world go around.

  6. Your politics are scary, harkonnen, but have a good set; music does make the world go around.

  7. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Dignan, I've been told in the past that if Ann Coulter looked to her far right, I'd be there.

    Thanks for the thoughts on the music.

  8. Dignan,
    I did notice how much hate there is for the President and V.P. as was shown by the people commenting on the Huffington Post with comments "Better luck next time" and the likes. I think it shows the level that many of the Bush-haters have sunk to and dwell at whenever possible.

    Now we see the Democrats backing away from the Murtha "Slow-Bleed" tactic for it was getting negative aspects from the people who commented on it. They attempted to get away from the "Cut and Run" label that they had and Murtha slipped with his comments on the true intentions of the Democratic party. How will they spin it now?

  9. I don't wish death on Cheney. I wish him a gay daughter, so he'll be all uncomfortable about it his entire life, knowing all his creepy bigoted friends condemn her to hell. Oh wait, that already happened...

  10. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Gee, dignan never figgured you for a gay basher. But then again since you don't really have a grasp for history or reality you have to have something.

    I thought that you progressive types accepted all people, but since once again you have shown that you just want pain inflicted on the VP and have this time choosen his daughter's lifestyle as your IED, you have again shown that you really don't know what you are or what you want.......
    .....maybe you will find yourself when you get out of highschool.

  11. Anonymous2:31 PM

    "Progressives" are a hypocrisy all in one, wrapped in an enigma.

  12. You may be a little too dense to follow this, "bubba", but that wasn't even remotely gay bashing, it was making fun of the gaybashing bigots with whom Cheney surrounds himself and how that must cause him cognitive and emotional dissonance Wow, you're one stupid dude.
