Thursday, March 22, 2007

Middlebrook General Store...


Took a ride out into the country today and found myself in Middlebrook VA. and making a stop at The Middlebrook General Store for lunch...

Once inside I remembered why it is good to get away from the main town and to take the time to stop at smaller businesses and establishments... Best of all is the small sign board I found near the front window...


  1. I've served with several of those named on the chalk board. Good folks all. Thanks for publicizing this.

  2. Hobie,

    I know some of the owners of the Middlebrook General Store and they told me about the sign so I took a ride out there. Had a nice sandwich while I was there and the store is nicely done. I know several of the members on the board and this simple act of posting their names in a community setting has great value to the military member as well as the family...
