Friday, March 30, 2007

Rosie: "Dumb as a Box of Rocks"...


Rosie O’Donnell once again took her Liberal audience where they wanted to go with the following statement on the “View”:

HASSELBECK: "Do you believe that the government had anything to do with the attack of 9/11? Do you believe in a conspiracy in terms of the attack of 9/11?"

O’DONNELL: "No. But I do believe the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel. I do believe that it defies physics for the World Trade Center Tower Seven, building seven, which collapsed in on itself, it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved, World Trade Center Seven. World Trade Center one and Two got hit by plains. Seven, miraculously, for the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible."

One of the first things I learned when I took “Design of Structural Steel” back in college was that steel begins to lose its structural integrity at 700f degrees. At 1100f degrees it will have lost 50%+ of it’s strength…

I was very impressed when I started research on this post to find that Popular Mechanics has already responded to Rosie’s ignorant comment on their website at:

Rosie even went on to claim “for the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible.”

I will leave that one to you to think on…
I need to go do some research on exactly “How dumb a box of Rocks can be”?…


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Check out the new book by Dr. David Ray Griffin “Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory” Popular Mechanics

    Also, check out the Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Government Officials, Professors, 9-11 Survivors and Family Members who have expressed significant criticism of the 9-11 Commission Report and/or allege government complicity in 9-11 found here:

  2. Thanks for the link....
    I am sure we will be able to use this in the future...

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Ah, yes, an AR-15, a scope, a steady hand and deep breath, letting it go as you squeeze the trigger...This is all I could think about when I see her picture above.
