Monday, March 26, 2007

Sen. Jim Webb (D)... Capitol Building Hall Monitor...


"He (Webb) gave the weapon to Thompson, the official said, and asked him to take care of it. Thompson subsequently put the gun in a briefcase and returned to Capitol Hill where "he spaced, he literally forgot" that he had the gun, the official said."

Handguns are illegal in Washington, D.C., but nearby Virginia allows residents to carry concealed handguns. Capitol Police rules allow members and their employees to bring a weapon onto Capitol grounds if it is unloaded and securely wrapped. In this case, it was neither.
Webb told The Richmond Times Dispatch in December that he considers himself a "strong Second Amendment person" but said he does not carry a gun to work.

"I don't carry personally regularly. I shoot regularly. I like to have the option to carry, which is why I keep the permit," he said. "I value the opportunity to be able to protect myself, depending on situations. But no, I don't walk around with a weapon on me all of the time," he told the newspaper.,2933,261368,00.html


We all make mistakes but this reminds me of the Concealed Weapon Permit training where the holder is responsible for the condition, location, and security of the weapon at all times...

Word of advice. While patrolling the halls of Congress performing your Hall-monitor duties, if you come along former Representative Cynthia McKinney talking on a cell phone just let it go... It's not worth it....


  1. Borrowed from elsewhere: It sure beats getting arrested at the airport for smuggling Rush?"

  2. But was it a set-up and were they waiting for Webb like they were for Rush...

    Actually I am impressed that Webb has not gone totally Liberal and still maintains his Concealed Weapons permit. One of the first things they teach you when you get your permit is that you always know the location and status of your weapon at all times. It was passed off to a fellow Marine who is also responsible for it's status. It is interesting that the District of Columbia has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation and also one of the highest murder\crime rates...

    How will the media present this story and what if there was an (R) behind the name???

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    The media would be all over him if he had the "R" after his name, you betcha. This story will die down quickly. I am glad to see the Senator practices his 2nd Amendment rights.

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Nothing but the Reactionary Right trying to spin a simple mistake into a political incident.

    You people have nothing on a fine Senator like Jim Webb and you have to grasp at straws. I can hardly wait to see how Swacgirl and the Swacer's from Staunton try to spin this one.

    You are all losers and this is why you lost the election!Leave senator Webb alone for you have nothing here

  5. Dignan,

    Simple mistake?
    Now the story is coming out that Webb says he did not give him the gun and had nothing to do with it. Should not Webb know the location and status of his weapons at all times? What happens when the new baby grows up and finds his handguns laying around the house?

    Nobody is spinning anything just reporting and discussing what is going on with the Junior Senator and his actions. Wonder how the Secret Service will watch our VIRGINIA representative now after his prior comments about being tempted to "Deck" the president the first time they met???

    Another cheap shot...
    Showing yourself again...

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    dignan, you are a cheese eating surrender monkey.

    we're waiting for you to post more on my faux blog site. You make us laugh.

  7. Anonymous9:45 PM

    What a pompous, arrogant arse we have as a Senator. I'd like to find confirmation on the hearsay, but does Webb actually have decoy vehicles? Why is he so paranoid anyway?

    Oh, I wonder how his boy is doing?

  8. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Better then taking a "Dive" in front of all to see to protect your loser Senator. At least Senator Webb has been to war and understands the "real" world effects of a war unlike your "quarterback" who is now on the sidelines!!
