Monday, March 19, 2007

VCAP endorses Scott Sayre...


Virginia Conservative Action PAC ( will endorse Virginia’s 24th Senate District Republican candidate, Scott Sayre, on Monday, March 19, at the Augusta County Courthouse at 12:15pm.

VCAP’s Executive Director, Robin DeJarnette, will be holding a press conference on the Augusta County Courthouse steps in Staunton at 12:15pm on Monday, March 19, to officially announce VCAP’s endorsement of 24th District candidate Scott Sayre.

Augusta County Courthouse
1 East Johnson Street
Staunton, VA 24401

In a released statement, VCAP said, “Priorities of fiscal discipline, responsible spending, and addressing the illegal immigration pandemic make Scott Sayre the best candidate for the 24th District.”

In addition to an endorsement speech and an introduction of Scott Sayre by Robin DeJarnette, Scott Sayre will be present to accept the endorsement and address all those in attendance.


Jacob Parrish

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