Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sen. Jim Webb (D): "Stuck between a Rock and a Hard place"...


Looks like the junior Democratic Senator has found himself between a Rock and a Hard place with his stance on gun rights and the second amendment and that of his "Party"...

The Hill has an interesting report on this:

Senate Republicans yesterday reintroduced their bill to roll back the District of Columbia’s gun ban, capping a week of heightened focus on constitutional rights and personal protection in the capital.

The Senate measure has appeared in the last three Congresses, but this week’s version comes in the wake of the arrest of an aide to Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) on handgun possession charges as well as a GOP motion to repeal the gun ban that threatened to split the majority and torpedo the District’s voting-rights bill.

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), chief sponsor of the gun-ban repeal bill, said her timing was inspired by a third propitious event.“What spurred my timing was the court opinion,” Hutchison said, referring to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals’s March 9 ruling to strike down the ban, which the city is appealing. “I thought the court was right-on … it is a violation of individual rights.”

The measure’s 41 cosponsors include two Democrats, Sens. Ben Nelson (Neb.) and Max Baucus (Mont.). Webb has not signed on, although he said at a Tuesday press conference on his aide’s arrest that he is “a strong supporter of the Second Amendment” and declined to address directly whether he personally follows the gun ban. Hutchison said she would “love to have [Webb] as a cosponsor.” Webb’s office did not have further comment on the gun ban measure.


  1. I cannot tell who you're more obsessed with, Jim Webb, Rosie, or Nancy Pelosi.
    But I think it may be Jim Webb.

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    If the mental giants who run Washington DC think that banning guns helps lower the crime rates there, I wonder where they are getting this information, because crime rates in DC have sharply increased since the ban was imposed.

    There's that old leftist belief again: ban guns and crimes rates will come down.

    If you ban guns, the citizens won't have any, but the criminals will.

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. NP's vagina? That's not even funny, or clever, what's the point? What is that sixth grade humor? I don't get it.

  5. Sorry Steve but that identifies part of anatomy of a person I would rather not think about EVER!!!

    The link to the post you mentioned was I lost when I did this but you are welcomed to post the link again if you like.

    Zen referred to the same word but at least he did not identify the person. Again I say EVER!!! Nightmares tonight...

    Obsession is with keeping the Webb incident from falling off the pages and being forgotten. Still waiting for the NewsLeader to write\report any of it and it is amazing as compared to how most every newspaper reported and\or commented on the story. Dennis left a response\reason earlier but unfortunately was weak and I expected more...

    NO obsession with Rosie...
    Oh, great, more nightmares tonight...

  6. Anonymous1:20 AM

    My deepest apologies, Rightside, LOL. No more references to Pelosi & her vagina. The intended sarcasm was meant to address Pelosi's attention that she is the first female speakress of the house adn how the media blew it up into something that simply wasn't deserved. She not only undermined US foreign policy, but that of our close democratic allies and friends, Israel as well.

    Our enemies support Pelosi's deeds in Syria.

    And of course, so do the left. I am not at all surprised because they compliment one another.

    However, keep up with your so-called "obsession" over Webb. You're doing your readers a good service that the newspapers purposely avoid.

    Take for example the recent true story of the Muslims that kidnapped then beheaded and roasted a Christian baby and served it on a bed of rice to the mother, who could not afford the ransom money.

  7. Anonymous1:23 AM

    The link to the story above:
