Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Senator Jim Webb (D): Senate Visitor program



  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Modeled by Republican Jack Reid--the only one who has ever squeezed off a shot in a legislative office building.

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Great way to keep annoying Tree-hugging, Bleeding Heart Liberals, whinning Democrats, from cluttering up the waiting room......

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Awww...Yogi, you'll probably shoot yer eye out!

  4. Gun safety instruction provided by Dick "Deadeye" Cheney.

  5. Quick Draw,

    Spark it up has a good point:
    "I wonder if these comments and posts apply to Sen Webb also. How much safer are people when Sen Webb does not secure his weapon Lowell? In both cases no one was hurt. Both incidents happened on State or Federal property. Both were instances of negligence and poor safety practices. The main difference is Reid accepted his responsibility and Sen Webb ....Well you know the story. No charges filed in Reid case. Man facing a felony charge with Webb's gun. Jack Reid stood up, Sen Webb squats."

  6. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Sorry, I nearly choked laughing at Zen's post - caught me off guard!

  7. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Rightside--Reid fired his gun while "playing' with it. Webb's was inside a bag.

    Thought you might like that quick factual update.

  8. Quickdraw,

    I heard it discharged when checking the chamber to see if loaded. At all times the weapon should be considered loaded and armed. The owner is responsible for the location, status, and operation of the weapon at all times. Something that Senator Webb (D) failed to do on all three accounts.

    By saying "Webb's was inside a bag." I take that you believe and agree that it was in fact Senator Webbs weapon as claimed by the staffer. Both Reid and Webb are in fact responsible for their weapons and in "Sparkitup's" posting Reid did take responsibility for his weapon and the discharge of it. Senator Webb (D) has and continues to claim that he did not give "the" weapon to his staffer. I am sure he is telling the truth in the fact that he did not actually "Hand" the weapon to his staffer but I am sure he had knowledge of the weapon, the weapon is his, and Webb continues to fail to step up to the plate in his responsibilities...

  9. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Oh Rightie you can fool your friends and I can fool mine--but let's not try to fool each other.

    Jack Reid had his gun out in his office and it "went off" just happening to hit his bullet proof vest hanging on the door. You don't believe he was pulling a "Mod Squad" play draw? Come on man.

    And as far as "owning up to it." Well there Jack was--all by himself, with a gun in hand, a bullet in the vest, casing on the floor and the door closed when the police arrived. What was he going to say--"The Easter Bunny done it?"

    I have no idea whether Webb's gun was in the bag in his car that his aide picked up. He'd gotten out of the vehicle in Alexandria at Reagan National Airport He wasn't in Washington when the aide took the bag into the Capitol.

  10. With it hitting the vest I pretty much take he was probably testing or "Dry Firing" the weapon and got the surprise of his day when it went off. Pacing the floor? I would be also doing that for I am sure he knew the media coverage he was going to get and how the incident would be presented. Notice how the local Staunton NewsLeader did not cover it or mention the Webb incident at all? All of the other papers ran the story and follow up statements but the NewsLeader does not consider the Junior Virginia Senator staff carrying a LOADED weapon into the Capitol? Different degree of coverage don't you agree?

    I agree now and have said in the past that the Webb incident is a unfortunate mix-up and it is unfortunate for Thompson to be stuck with the bag. If it was you or me with a loaded weapon in the District we would be in some bad trouble. I wish no trouble for Thompson for we know he is a victim here of a mix-up. The issue I have is how Webb failed to step up to the plate and take responsibility. If it is not his gun what does Webb do with Thompson? Has Webb ever carried a loaded weapon in the District? Webb says he has never carried his gun in the office but has he had it there and are we just going to play "Word Games" until this story falls off the meadia globe?
