Sunday, May 06, 2007

Pelosi and Party send their message...


“So far, none [American Servicemen] have died while riding in the new MRAP (mine-resistant, ambush-protected) vehicle. And not a single Marine has been injured, let alone killed, in an IED attack while riding in one.”

“The Pentagon says the improved carriers have cut roadside bomb casualties in Iraq by as much as two-thirds. But there are only 1,100 of them on the battlefront now. "We need the MRAP immediately to give us better protection," asserted Gen. Peter Schoomaker, former Army chief of staff, in recent testimony before Congress.”

Now here is the “Message” that needs to be looked at…

“Problem is, a large chunk of the $8 billion earmarked for their purchase is tied up in squabbling over funding for the Iraq War. Democrats are holding funds hostage to a timetable for withdrawal.”

The Democratic Party recently sent the President, and the American people, a message in the form of a military spending bill attached with a timeline for troop with drawl. This bill was delayed while Pelosi an Reid trolled large “Pork riden” promises to congress people looking to get their votes in favor of the “Democratic Message”. Along with an enormous amount of Pork spending projects, no surprise there, this required spending bill to support the troops in the field also had a timeline for withdrawl incorporated in it…

This tactic has been called the “Murtha Slow-Bleed” technique and something the Democratic Party has become very proud of. Before sending up the bill for the President to sign Big Daddy Harry Reid and Speaker Pelosi commented this would force the President to respond to their demands of troop withdrawl and the “Will” of the American people.

As promised by the President he vetoed it in a heartbeat. Did it with a $2 dollar felt tip pen given to him by a American Father who lost his son in the war on terrorism and requested the President send a message back to the Democratic party by using the pen he had written letters to his lost son.

Upon the immediate veto by the President and “Pelosi’s” house not being able to buy off more votes with Pork projects to override the veto, the Democrats now claim they will now come back with “Benchmarks” instead of a timeline in their attempt to end this war and follow the “Will” of the American people as they claim…

If it truly is the “Will” of the American people to withdrawl the Troops before the job is done and the Iraqi government is ready to defend itself from terrorist and surrounding unfriendly countries, why was there NO public uproar when the President vetoed this bill? Somehow the claims of the Democratic Party, Harry Reid , Pelosi, and Big boy Murtha, may not be the true “Will” of the American People. In fact the claim that the American people want the Troops out immediately is just the Dem’s Political “Will”… As far as the claim that the American people want the troops removed before the job is done and Iraq is stable can be summed up with a well known phrase… “That Dog just don’t Hunt”…

Reid and Pelosi both delayed getting this military spending bill to the President by wasting time looking for votes in Congress by promising big “Pork” projects and waiting to submit it on the anniversary date of “Mission Accomplished”. They are also dragging their feet in getting another spending bill to the President that he can sign to keep the Troop’s who are in harms way supplied, trained, and continuing the fight on terrorism. It seems that the Democratic Party is taking it’s time in formulating a new “Message” that will provide “Benchmarks” for the Iraqi government to meet. Unfortunately this will be only another delay in getting the support needed to the troops while the Democratic Party looks for the “Political Traction” that their last bill did not provide…

“In the meantime, why aren't they helping the Pentagon fund R&D to design an even better carrier to protect against the enemy's latest weapon — the EFP, or explosively formed projectile? EFPs are extremely lethal. They hurl a fist-sized lump of molten copper capable of piercing even the MRAP.”

What will be the “Message” sent when a single or numerous American servicemen are killed in action defending their country without the advanced and available equipment due to the delay in waiting for the next “Democratic Party message”?

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