Monday, May 28, 2007

The Power... What the ?...

Took a ride up to New Jersey to get some certification dives in to remain current status SCUBA Rescue Diver and headed back Sunday afternoon. Six hour ride and somewhere in Deleware, of all states, I jumped over to see what they were talking about on Air America. Unable to find Al Franken but we all know the story there. Nothing there so I dropped over to another Liberal Satt station called "The Power" which is orientated towards African American topics and discussions. A few months back I made this same ride and found an interesting program on "The Power" on late night by a guy that made many great points and had a great outlook on life & politics. I was hoping for the same here but instead I found the "Barbara Reynolds" show and the hour long topic was "Is Barack Obama Black enough to be President"?...

The discussion and people calling in were interesting and I found it informative on how many on the "Left" and the African American community view Obama and his run for the Presidency... Many callers were in favor of Obama but yet they stumbled on the topic question and was Obama "Black enough to be President?"...

Then it came along.
The statement that brought me back to reality, and reminded me that I was listening to an "Air America" offshoot, also encouraged me to speed up and get out of the State of Deleware as soon as possible. The host stated that Barack Obama was the first African American to run for President, and "I don't mean like those in Condi Rice or Clarence Thomas"(?), but was he "Black" enough?...

Now disregarding the Cheap-Shot by the host towards the first African American Woman Secretary of State and a fine Supreme Justice in Clarence Thomas, lets look at the statement about the "first African American" to run for President. The host and callers still had the dilemma of determining if Obama was "Black" enough. (Their term)
But this did confirm one thing one thing that I always thought was true...

Even the host and the African American community could not acknowledge these guys and take them serious when they ran for the President of the United States !!!


  1. My assistant --- a black woman --- had just one comment on the Al Sharpton poster: "And black, too!"


  2. No kidding...
    I could not pass up posting that photo at the end. Barack had a very good speech at the Selma march were Hillary spent her time trying to talk southern\black to attract attention...

    He discussed what the African American community needs to do to improve itself and advance themselves to even higher levels. If you heard what he said "Pookie" needed to do you will know what I mean. I hope to do a post on that speech shortly...
