Sunday, June 03, 2007

Fred Thompson ~Richmond VA.~


Fred Thompson spoke to the crowd gathered at the Republican Party of Virginia Gala this weekend in Richmond. The entire speech is being provided on CSPAN and is very powerful and inspiring to those who still believe in the United States and the people who made this the greatest nation…

Regarding the upcoming shortfalls in Social Security, Medicare, and other challenges facing America, Thompson had these statements:

“Unless we do some things differently.

We’re going have to be more focused, we’re going have to be smarter. We’re going have to be more determined, and we’re going have to be more together, as a nation, then we have ever been before…

Are we together?
Are we more together?
I look at Congress and I see the only real debate going on in Congress is what are surrender date is going to be.

I listen to the Democratic Congressional leaders I hear them talk about how many seats they are going to pick up because of this war.

I listen to one of their Presidential candidates talk about this is a phony war.
The war on terror.

This is what passes for policy today in the Democratic party.

I see a Congress that does not realize that what’s going on now is part of a much bigger picture.

I don’t know how to put this any simpler. There are many, many people out there in this world today who’s number one target is the United States of America and killing as many innocent Americans as they possibly can.

They have a hundred year plan and this is just part of the plan. And they can look a hundred years into the future while as far as we can look sometimes presumably is to the next election”…


  1. Good link, commentary and Fred Thompson information.

    We viewed the speech on Cspan today.

    Cross posted at -

    Fred Thompson 2008

  2. He's definitely a good candidate. I was rooting for Romney, but now it's going to be Thompson.

    I view Thompson as the new Reagan. Thank God he will not put up with the same crap as Bush. This old "Islam is a religion of peace" never went down well with me. Bush is just not a tough leader. Thompson is.

  3. Wait, I thought you guys on the right didn't like those Hollywood types. Funny how your heros are, well, Hollywood types.
    Ahh, oh well, you've got the hypocrisy plank nailed firmly down in your platform.

  4. Zen,

    Long time no hear...
    Does this mean the vacation is over?

    By lumping us "Guys" together does that mean we all have to hate Hollywood to be in the party?

    There are some good people to come out of Hollywood and R. Reagan was one of the best. Thompson is also another and he was great in "The Hunt for Red October".

    "Son, the Russkies don't take a dump without a plan" ???

    There are many planks in the party and to assume they are all bought at the same Lumberyard, or Home-Improvement store, is foolish...

    Welcome back...

  5. Just visiting. So true, it was an assumption. Good call. But the irony is certainly something huh?

  6. I don't vote on candidates merely due to their Hollywood status, but that never dawned on me until now since you brought it up. Reagan...Thompson, oh, ok, I get it. That's pretty funny.

    Thanks for the jibjab, Zen, but Romney is my second choice for president, and he has nothing to do with Hollywood.

  7. Don't forget Ahhnold

  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Rightsideva, if you and the "Gang of Five" support thompson the same way you have been supporting Sayre he does not have a chance! He should quit now before he gets smeared with all the crap you guys throw at the other guy but get on your own candidate. There is an interesting conversation going on over at your favorite newspaper showing what your gang of 5 can do to a perfectly good campaign. Keep it up and we will take all the elections by just allowing you guys to screw yourself!

  9. Dig,

    I saw that over at the NewsLeader and Yes Rightside is part of the Bloggers 4 Sayre and Rightside has kept positive with all of my posts. The posts have pointed out the facts as I see them and yes I do support Sayre but as I told both Candidates in the brginning, "Competition is a good thing" and makes the party stronger in the end. I will also support the Republican candidate that wins the primary for I feel they are both much better then the Democratic candidate Mr. Cox with his parties platform and viewpoints.

  10. "facts as I see them"

    Yeah, those would be called "opinions." You really ought to learn the difference.

  11. Anonymous7:09 PM


    I see we have a new blog in the Valley that is going to take The "Gang of 5" to task.
    and it will be the downfall of you and the Swacshits I LOVE IT!

  12. Impressive site and it will be interesting to see who is operating this one.

    As I said earlier Rightside has remained positive and avoided personal attacks on Senator Hanger or any other Republican candidate. In fact I have been more then fair as compared to some of the other blogs that have opted to take the lower road. Cobalt is an impressive site but unfortunately it was designed and developed for only one reason and that is to promote attacks on the candidates and select bloggers that Cobalt feels is throwing Mud...

    Cobalt will only serve one purpose and that is to keep the mudslinging and name calling going and keep talking true issues out of the campaigns.

  13. Anonymous2:47 PM

    That should be "The Hunt for Fred November"
