Friday, July 06, 2007

2007 Stuarts Draft Firemen's Parade & Lawn Party...

The Firemen's parade went off at 6:30pm and lasted about 1 hour 15 minutes with the mile long route full of people gathered once again for the yearly favorite Parade & Lawn Party... The South River District of the Augusta County Republicans hosted a float and numerous Republican Representatives were in attendance and welcomed by this Strong Republican district...

(left to right)
Candidate Michael Shull - Riverheads District Supervisor, Randy Fisher - Sheriff, Jean Shrewsbury - Comm of Rev, Carter & Courtland - co-V.P.'s of Cougar Inc, Congressmen Bob Goodlatte - 6th District, Richard Homes - Treasurer, Candidate Jeremy Shifflett - Beverly Manor Supervisor, David Beyeler - South River District Supervisor...

Congressmen Bob Goodlatte walked the parade route with his wife Mary Ellen as he does every year and was greeted with many applauds and greetings from the crowds...

Virginia State Senator and Candidate Emmett Hanger greeted people along the parade route and was welcomed by many who supported him during the recent Republican primary. Senator Hanger doubled back to watch much of the remaining parade and to meet with many of those in attendance...

Delegate Chris Saxman (20th district) walked along with the Republican float and is a favorite of this parades attendance. Many people in the South River District have come to know Delegate Saxman and he receives strong support from this area...

Jean Shrewsbury, Chris Saxman, and Randy Fisher get ready to walk the sidelines greeting those gathered for the parade and a chance to see their elected representatives. Many people approached the representatives during and after the parade to say hello and take the opportunity to talk "local issues"...

Treasurer Richard Homes worked the "Candy Line" along the route ...

South River District Supervisor David Beyeler represented the South River contingent of the Augusta County Supervisors and hosted the parade for the Republican Party..

Michael Shull is the Republican Candidate for Supervisor in the Riverheads District...

Jeremy Shifflett is the Republican Candidate for Supervisor in the Beverley Manor District...

The parade ended at the entrance to the Stuarts Draft Fire Department lot where the Firemen's Lawn Party was in full swing...


  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Float looked great and it was good to see Bob Goodlatte there once again. He is a good Congressman and we must be sure to send him back to Washington. The Democrats were there and I saw the kid that is running against Bob and he was dressed up as Uncle-Sam. You could tell when the Democrat float was coming by when the crowd got silent!

    Great parade and BBQ chicken was excellent!

    Emmett Hanger looked good and he shook my hand asking how I was doing which was nice. He then stopped to ask my nephew if he wanted candy and spent a good amount of time with the people in my area. He is a good man also and we need to make sure we send him back to Richmond also.

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Good coverage rightside---Thankyou.

  3. Parade went well and the Republican Representatives were welcomed by many. It was good to see the Candidates Jeremy Shifflett and Michael Shull welcomed also by the crowd. Both of these guys will be strong County Supervisors and what Augusta County needs.

    Always good to see Congressmen Goodlatte and it appears he enjoys this parade. State Senator Hanger did well and was greeted by many also.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Who was the Bozo dressed up like Uncle Sam???

  5. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I saw that guy and I think he was with the democrats float. Some girl was walking with a sign with him and he is running for office? He might be the guy that I hear was passing out small American flags at the Staunton parade last week I also hear that the flags were "Made in China"...
    Thats o.k., he looked "Plastic" also.

  6. The Democratic Party did field a float this year in the parade and the "Bozo dressed like Uncle-Sam" was with them. He is a young guy running for office and you could tell when they were coming for the crowd got quiet and did not know what to think of their presentation.

    By the way, this guy portrayed the "Uncle-Sam" that likes to Tax the money you make and then spend it as he sees fit. Not enough to go around? TAX MORE !!!

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Last week he was with democrats float so thats where the "Made in China" flags must have come from. Saw him again with the old people yelling about wanting free healthcare for everybody and anybody. The lady next to us asked if that includded the illegal imogrants and the old lady with the sign got mad and walked off without answering.

  8. I did see that the Augusta Coalition for Peace and Justice were once again in the parade and pushing the Healthcare for all issue. Interesting facts that they do not include when they push that program and working on a post now about that...
