Sunday, July 01, 2007

Pulling out the Race Card...


"Let me just put this in perspective: If HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34 there would be an outraged, outcry in this country," said the New York senator.

Hillary Clinton (D) N.Y.

at Democratic Party debate Howard University...


  1. A pandering we shall go.. a pandering we shall go.. high ho, the merrier, the pandering we shall go!

  2. OK, this quote doesn't fit in this thread, but it is the most recent thread, and a quote from the last great Republican. Maybe some of your buds will read it.

    "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

    - Dwight D. Eisenhower

  3. It would be great if we lived in a world where we could concentrate all efforts on feeding the hungry, clothe and shelter the poor, and educate those who do not understand that their actions result in problems such as AIDS and other ills… Senator Hill pulled the card out early and I am sure she will use it again in the next year and a half. She got the applause that she wanted but maybe those applauding should have asked her how she was going to take care of the problem she identified? Leadership?

    Unfortunately life is not that easy and there are people in the world that must be dealt with for they do not subscribe to the same values of life or society. There are Dictators who use poison gas on their own people, kills over 100,000 of his own countrymen, women, and children just to satisfy his ego and needs. There are warlords in Africa who actually withhold food that was donated and supplied by countries like ours from starving people. They do this to maintain power over these people and think nothing of killing a village to keep their power. In fact our world even has a United Nations organization to deal with problems like this and even that bunch is full of corruption. Sure we would rather not make those guns, warships, and rockets that you mentioned and used those efforts towards helping people who are held down by these “Dictators”. But unfortunately we even found out the United Nations program that allowed this dictator to sell oil and buy food for his people was corrupted resulting in many Million dollar payoffs for UN officials and great palaces for the dictator. Shame, those millions could have saved 100,000+ of lives of the Iraqi people. And lets not forget the hundred of thousands that this dictator just outright killed…

    And we also have a dictator south of us on an island that is known for forcing his countrymen that he did not want into the ocean and North during the 1980’s in a famous boatlift. In fact I have seen the men, women, and small children forced to attempt a 70 mile crossing north towards the Florida Keys in rafts, small boats, and just about anything that would float. These people live in an island nation that has incredible resources but the people are not allowed to educate and grow into a productive society where ALL of the countrymen are allowed to strive to the best of their abilities for their families… But yet we have a fat idiot who has our uneducated buying into his bullshit that their country has a much better healthcare system. So good a system that even when the Dictator got sick he had to go out of country to find a doctor that could treat his somewhat simple medical problem…

    President \ General Eisenhower was a great Republican but not the “Last” as you assert. We have had others since, but those who follow along with the aforementioned big fat idiot, do not acknowledge or wish to admit their successes. We are fortunate to have great men like Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Roosevelt, Reagan, and Bush who understand that no matter how much we wish we did not have to spend money and efforts of guns, warships, and rockets, we must do so to control “Dictators” like those mentioned…
