Monday, August 27, 2007

"Dems deliver for Hanger"?


After the Republican primary victory for incumbent Senator Emmett Hanger back in June, I pretty much stayed out of the expected debate regarding if “Democrat” voters crossed over and voted in the Republican primary and who they would have voted for.

There were numerous blog postings and debate in many local blogs and I heard many interesting theories about this subject. I decided to keep this subject out of the “RightsideVA” line-up for there is no hard data available to prove how many “Democrat” voters may have crossed over to vote for Hanger. And as having been a Sayre supporter I am sure it would have been viewed as inappropriate and “Sore loser” if I insinuated that Senator Hanger had won due to “Outside” influence…

I found it very interesting this week when I found the following statements that appeared in a posting on the website for the Democrat Candidate that will be challenging Senator Hanger in the November election…


David Cox Rockbridge Weekly, 6/20/07

"What’s that headline, you ask?"

"Emmett Hanger won the GOP primary last week; how could Democrats have won"?

Here’s why: "Democrats won the race for Emmett."

I found it interesting that the Democrat(ic) Candidate would make such a claim with it being somewhat impossible to determine how many, if any, democrats had in fact crossed over to vote for Senator Hanger.

“Fourteen thousand voters went to the polls. Of that surprisingly high turnout, I dare say at least 900 were Democrats. I can’t prove that other than by checking out each precinct’s voter rolls. But I ran into a lot of Dems who themselves voted, and/or heard of others crossing over to the GOP primary. (I was not one.) Nary a one of them confessed to supporting Scott Sayre. On the contrary, unbeknownst to me at the time, one of my good buddies went around getting out the vote for Hanger.”

The Democratic Candidate then describes a quandary for Senator Hanger if he was to go too “far to the right” in the future…

"On the other hand, if he steers too far to the right, the Democrats who pulled him through in the ’07 primary won’t be so willing to cross party lines to help him out next time".


  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    What do the words of the sign on the back of the lady say?

  2. The sign says "Vote Lee Godfrey for Beverley Manor Supervisor" and that is the Democrat candidate for the upcoming Augusta County Supervisor race.

    The guy on the right is Bob Dickerman from up near Buffalo Gap and is another local Democrat who is active in this years race. Interesting guy to talk with but you have to be ready for his witty sarcasm and cheap shots against GOP...

    The guy in the middle of these two "David Cox Democrats" is Senator Emmett Hanger..

  3. Anonymous4:31 PM

    You can find a picture of president Bush shaking hands with the Clintons but dose that make him a supporter?

  4. President Bush has been a class-act towards President Clinton even after they have attacked him several times and commenting on the present Presidents administration while still in office, something that was not done in prior administrations...

    I found it interesting that the Democratic Candidate actually claimed or took credit for the Democrats delivering the Primary election to Senator Hanger. I am also intrigued by the Candidate cautioning the Senator not to "Steer too far to the right" in the future or he may lose the Democrat support that delivered the primary election to him...

    That sure is some interesting form of confidence coming from the Democratic Candidate that he is going to win the election in November?

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    They both seem "Happy" to see Hanger!

  6. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Sure they are glad to see him!!!

    They have a much better chance with Hanger cause he already votes their way! Their guy Cox has already eluded to not being able to win the election and has already said that hanger needs to vote their way or the Democrats that voted him over sayer will not back him again.

  7. That was the feeling during the election day when many working the Republican Primary polls saw the known local Democrats voting at a Republican Primary election.

    The thought was, and now confirmed by Cox's statement on his website, that the Democrats would vote for Senator Hanger since he was much closer to their party then Scott Sayre was. 24th district is a stron GOP area and the thought was, as again confirmed by Cox's statement, that it would remain a GOP seat in the Senate and better for Cox % Friends being Hanger then Sayre.

    It is unfortunate that Senator Hanger may have been elected by those who do not really support him but used him as a "Tool" in their gameplan. This is allowed becuase anybody could vote in a primary without being registered as a Republican. Will be interesting if the next Democratic Party Primary has numerous known Republicans voting in it...

    The remaining unknown is the Libertarian candidate in Arron Sime. He has been campaigning for two years now and has made great inroads into the Valley. Will the "Traveling" Democrats vote for Hanger or Sime, who both have a better chance then Cox of getting elected, and which one? Will numerous GOP voters back Sime for he in some areas are more Conservative then Hanger? Will the Democrats have to vote other then Cox, who has little chance in this area, to prevent hanger or Sime from getting in depending which other is more of a threat to the Democrats?

    Will be interesting to see...

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The "Democrats" will have a problem deciding if they should support Cox, who has little chance, or throw their votes to Hanger to keep Sime out of the 24th office.
